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Where do recorded videos go?
Posted: 18 Aug 2011 01:38
by AmandaHugginkis
I'm using VLC 1.1.10 for Win7 and I enabled the "advanced controls" in the view menu and this enabled Record, Take a Snapshot, Loop from A to B, and Frame By Frame icons right above play, etc.
I clicked the record icon and I didn't get any type of feedback or any boxes asking to name the file or save it. It's as if nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help!
Re: Where do recorded videos go?
Posted: 18 Aug 2011 10:46
by AmandaHugginkis
Nevermind guys, I found it accidentally in my User Videos folder. Thanks anyways and just delete the thread.
Re: Where do recorded videos go?
Posted: 04 Sep 2011 03:26
by sdruws
I am sorry to say that I continue to have the same problem.
I want to have a small part of a video edited.
I clicked the "loop from point A to point B continuously".
Loop started and when I reached the point I want, I stopped it.
Then the loop runs continuously in the place of the video.
Looking in all menus, I cannot find a customization for saving the loop.
I could not find it in User/Video.
I run the last version of VLC and W7
Can anyone tell me please where to find a place for Browse a save loop ?
I appreciate your contribution to my ignorance.
Re: Where do recorded videos go?
Posted: 04 Sep 2011 14:13
by VLC_help
There isn't any save loop option. You can limit the part with
Code: Select all
--start-time=<float> Start time
The stream will start at this position (in seconds).
--stop-time=<float> Stop time
The stream will stop at this position (in seconds).
in case you use command-line. Or you can use red recording button and just start and stop on correct time (but it won't be frame accurate).
Re: Where do recorded videos go?
Posted: 05 Sep 2011 00:44
by sdruws
Thanks for support.
However, is there no alternative way to save the loops ?
I have some National Geographic Movies, which only a small part is of interest to me for my Nature classes.
I there any possible way to get it recorded, please ??
Thanks for help.
Re: Where do recorded videos go?
Posted: 05 Sep 2011 16:41
by VLC_help
Red recoding button is the easiest way to save short clips with VLC.
Re: Where do recorded videos go?
Posted: 06 Sep 2011 09:31
by sdruws
Much appreciated your guidance.
I used Record button in and out to edit useful parts of a video and it worked fine.
Edited part was saved in Libraries/Video of W7.
Hope others can make use of it.