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Skin pops up during wallpaper mode random play

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 12:50
by shokan
When running a playlist in wallpaper or desktop mode in random order, the VLC skin pops up from the taskbar at the start of each new video. It has a transparent window so I am seeing just the frame of VLC running over the running wallpaper. I need to minimize it after the start of each video. It started happening recently and I don't know what changes I might have made. I have tried uninstalling VLC and reinstalling. The skin stopped popping up for an hour or so, then started again. I use XP SP3. It's a a new install from an old install disc, so a lot of MS updates still happening. VLC version 1.1.10 The Luggage.

Any ideas abour this?


Re: Skin pops up during wallpaper mode random play

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 13:32
by Lotesdelere

Re: Buuble pops up near clock when streaming

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 16:53
by shokan
Preferences (All) -> Interface -> Main interfaces -> Qt -> Show notification popup on track change

Turn if off.
"Show notification popup on track change" is already unchecked but I do get that balloon at right of Systray in spite of this. It happens at the same time as the VLC skin popup I described above, which is a separate thing from the small balloon notification. I get this VLC screen skin in the mifddle of the desktop at the same moment as the Systray ballon, each time a new random video in the playlist starts. As I said in the first post, this VLC skin in the middle of the desktop has a transparent viewport, so I am seeing just the frame UI. The wallpaper plays normally aand is showing through the transparent viewport of the popup skin. I want to mainly get rid of this VLC skin popup event, but also the bubble from Systray. An uninstall and reinstall of VLC fixed the problem for about an hour, then returned.