help needed

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help needed

Postby Lovecraft » 09 Jul 2011 23:16

I need to know how to convert a .flv file into a .mp4 file so that my video editing software will recognize the file. I have looked around trying to find a form or a tutorial that would help me, but i did not really understand the directions that were given and I am new to this. I am just looking for easy to understand directions on the converting proses.I tried to work the proses out myself but but midway through the conversion, all audio is lost and only the video remained. This happened to all 32 files I converted and only had the missing audio after the conversion.

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Re: help needed

Postby VLC_help » 11 Jul 2011 16:23

It might be easier to use AVIdemux or similar tool for that job. If you want to use VLC, try something like

Code: Select all

vlc input.flv :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1024,acodec=mp4a,ab=192}:standard{mux=mp4,dst=output.mp4,access=file}

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