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Playback on W7x64 choppy when full screen, ok when maximized

Posted: 14 May 2011 01:59
by obarthelemy
I get choppy playback, but only when my video is playing full screen. video plays OK when not scaled. Video plays OK in full screen window, ie double_clicking the title bar. Video is only choppy when "fully full screen" (double-clicking the video itself, not the title bar) on W7x64. Video is NOT choppy full screen under Linux (ubuntu 10.4)

Setup: HP Mini 110 (pure Atom dual-core, non nVidia), W7 x64, 624x352 avi files played off the local hard disk.

VLC latest version, W7 all updates, all parameters = default (except subtitles set to dummy font to avoid the font generation bug, but no subtitles in the videos anyway).

It's weird 'coz the scaling does not seem to be the problem, since windowed full screen works. This smells like a bug.

Re: Playback on W7x64 choppy when full screen, ok when maxim

Posted: 14 May 2011 14:13
by VLC_help
Does it help if you change video output module? ... _output.3F

Re: Playback on W7x64 choppy when full screen, ok when maxim

Posted: 15 May 2011 18:17
by obarthelemy
Thanks, that helps. Still looking for the best one, but no more stutter already with "simple directmedia layer", though the video part kinda "exits" from the VLC window, and changing the volume and other actions becomes a pain... I'll use the hardware controls instead, if I cannot find another output filter.

Re: Playback on W7x64 choppy when full screen, ok when maxim

Posted: 18 May 2011 04:40
by obarthelemy
found the culprit: the pop-up menu (for volume adjustment, skipping to next/previous file...). As long as that menu is on-screen, video is choppy. As soon as the menu disappears, everything is OK.

my first "solution" only worked in that it prevented the menu from displaying.

Re: Playback on W7x64 choppy when full screen, ok when maxim

Posted: 18 May 2011 17:14
by VLC_help
I would guess it is a display adapter driver issue then.