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Problems with playing HDD files

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 00:36
by Balder
Have a problem with playing HDD files from my video camera.
Have 2 video cameras, 1 Canon HD camera, and one Sony not HD.
When i downlod the files to the computer, and play them in VLC, the get a distortion in the picture.
But when i play them in windows mediaplayer it seems to be ok.
All other files i use in the VLC is acting ok.
Have also a last Compact camera with HD video, this also plays ok in VLC.
Have tried fromversion 1 and up to latest version.
Hve also tried on 7 different computers with XP,vista & 7.
They have also different graphic cards.
Any suggestions for how to fix it ?
what am i doing wrong ?

Re: Problems with playing HDD files

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 20:40
by georgesdev
type the "a" key while watching the video, until you get the desired aspect ratio.
I'm guessing vlc is not understanding the aspect ratio of your files (i.e. are pixels square, rectangle, etc ...)