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vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 28 Feb 2011 21:47
by FenrirTheWolf
I've read a couple of tread about https/ssl problem:
and sadly I wasn't able to solve the certificate problem.....

I'm using windows 7 x64 with VLC 1.1.17 and I'm trying to open an https stream from my own server.

I'm using my own self signed certificate created with the following command:

Code: Select all

openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out server-test.crt -keyout server-test.key
and after configuring the webserver (which work with firefox after you accept the self signed cert) I've added those files in the /appdata/roaming/vlc/ssl/certs/ folder.

when I open an https stream I get the following error:

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gnutls warning: cannot add x509 credentials (C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\vlc/ssl/certs\server-test.key): No error gnutls warning: cannot add x509 credentials (C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\vlc/ssl/certs\server-test.crt): No error gnutls error: TLS session: access denied gnutls error: Certificate could not be verified gnutls error: Certificate's signer was not found main error: TLS client session handshake error access_http error: cannot establish HTTP/TLS session
and the video won't play...

I want to know if these is some open bug which prevent vlc to open https stream on windows or If it's my fault, any idea?

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 03 Mar 2011 12:35
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
VLC https support on Windows is broken, and I don't know how to fix.

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 16:36
by FenrirTheWolf
from the log it seems that the problem is caused by gnutls, maybe I can ask to them...

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 17:47
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
They won't know, because the issue is in VLC tls module.

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 18:05
by FenrirTheWolf
that is sad...

on a related note, there is some confusion on bug tracker too about this issue.

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 20:34
by FenrirTheWolf
any news? there is any possibility that this will be fixed in future release?

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 21:25
by DGMurdockIII
have you tryed updating gnutls to a later verson

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 23:42
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
any news? there is any possibility that this will be fixed in future release?
Sure, when someone fixes it...

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 21:22
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
any news? there is any possibility that this will be fixed in future release?
TLS support in VLC has been working fine for years, generally speaking. The problems are really specific to Windows. Most VLC developers do use Windows. Since developers are not paid, they tend to ignore Windows errors. Also bugs get opened faster than the current hobbyist team can deal with them, so it is unavoidable that developers cherry-pick bug reports.

Bottom line, if you do care about Windows or whatever specific bug/feature, provide patches or arrange for someone to do so on your behalf.

"Can this be fixed question?" really are never going to get useful answers.

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 00:09
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Some things were fixed in 1.2 for TLS on Win32, by geal and me, but this isn't working fine yet. It loads correctly the certificate but then fails.

Re: vlc https/tls problem

Posted: 24 Feb 2012 18:32
by flew
Has any improvement on this been made with 2.0?