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Posted: 26 Oct 2010 04:33
by idx
Hi, i don't watch lots of movies but this week i watched 2 movies and they were both in cinema-scope format ,

i did watch some movies before but i don't remember if they were in the same format or not ,
so i am confused if there is something i can do about it or those movies are just filmed like that ,

looks kinda silly wasting half of my screen on black strips . thanks :shock:

Re: cinemascope

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 10:56
by Lotesdelere
There is no strict rule about the picture size of a movie.
Cinemascope (2.35 or 2.39) is the usual standard for cinema but many DVD's are using 16:9 or 1.85 format and many TV networks are still broadcasting in 4:3. So it's impossible to give a clear answer to your question as it all depends on the source.

Re: cinemascope

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 01:53
by idx
so if the dvd i have for a film for ex is 16:9 it will appear scooped on my wide screen ? you are trying to say that it depend on haw
the movie dvd i have is made ? or is it because i have a wide screen ? i tried other aspects ratio and i manged to get a full screen
but the picture was way too stretched

Re: cinemascope

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 09:49
by Lotesdelere
Yes, exactly. Say your screen is 16:9 or 16:10 then any movie not using these formats will have black bars, e.g. top and bottom for 2.35 movies or left and right for 4:3 movies.

If you really want to avoid black bars then use the crop feature rather than changing aspect ratio to avoid stretching, BUT be aware that you will lose a large part of the image if you crop 2.35 movies to 16:9 so make sure that's really what you want to do.

Re: cinemascope

Posted: 28 Oct 2010 00:16
by idx
well , i see what you mean , either way by changing the corp or the aspect ratio the picture will be defected so i will just leave
it as it is on default , with the bars on top and bottom or in other word cinema scope as we used to know it in the 90s
at least the picture is correct . thanks anyway :geek:

Re: cinemascope

Posted: 03 Nov 2010 07:42
by Camiron
Can I ask where do you specify in the settings that you want black to surround (i.e. top and bottom, or left and right) your movie :?:
I keep on getting white... and the only way that I can change this, is to change the Aspect Ratio to something else then change it back

Can you help?