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VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 01 Oct 2010 22:05
by lomein123
After I installed 1.1.4, when I click any folder on the right side of the explorer, vlc start itself and folders will not expend as it should be. I look through the association (default programs) under control panel and I don't see anything link to the folder. Please help, this is very annoying.
I did some search, I find somebody also submit the same problem several months ago, however nobody answer the question. Could someone help here?


Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 04 Oct 2010 05:03
by noobgramz
I am having the same problem and I have already submitted a post...and still no response. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!! I do not understand why no one has responded. I know there are other posts besides yours and mine explaining the same issue. Why has no one tried to fix the problem??? I would like some answers and a solution a.s.a.p. Thank you.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 12:35
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Sorry, I don't understand your issue.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 16 Nov 2010 23:08
by akbeaman
You probably have a corrupted registry. If you can use System Restore to roll back to a previous restore point that might fix your problem or else you might have to reinstall Windows. This problem is not caused by VLC itself.

If you know how to use the Registry Editor I could give you some more ideas to try but not if you've never done it.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 01:54
by rogerdpack
Sorry, I don't understand your issue.
He's saying that whenever he opens a folder within explorer, it opens VLC (with that folder as a parameter, I'm guessing) instead of a new explorer window.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 15:50
by VLC_help
There have been multiple reports about that VLC takes over default folder action. I don't know why it would happen, since VLC installer doesn't force Open for folders. And VLC Association Setup dialog doesn't do that either.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 17 Nov 2010 20:08
by rogerdpack
Maybe some other app has removed the "default" for opening folders, so it defaults to the first one, which is "open with VLC"?

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 11:21
by akbeaman
This issue is a corrupted registry probably caused by a bad shutdown. Another program or a virus could have caused it but not very likely. If you have a sudden power outage, manually power off your system without closing Windows down first, or suffer a hard jolt to your hard drive, the registry can become corrupted. Nothing to do with VLC except by random chance.

A (1) registry repair for the affected keys, a (2) registry rollback to a previous version, or (3) a re-install of Windows are the choices for a fix.

An export of the keys in question from a functioning version of the same OS to a reg file can possibly fix the issue when merged into the corrupted registry.

System Restore can roll your system back to a previous version of the registry if it is enabled and a Restore Point has been established before the problem occurs.

Using System Restore

If you have a good backup of your registry you can restore the registry with that.

Backup and Restore Windows Registry ... s+Registry

The only other fix is to reinstall Windows. In some cases Windows files can reinstalled without reformatting and losing existing files. Usually if a new version of the registry replaces the existing one all programs will need to be reinstalled. If the existing registry is not replaced with a freshly installed version then registry-related problems will not be fixed by reinstalling the OS. If you cannot achieve a repair of the system without reinstalling Windows, the best approach is backup whatever you don't want to lose and reinstall Windows on a clean (empty) drive. Most OEM recovery disks will do this automatically when they are used. If you are offered a choice, reformat your Windows partition before installing.

If you specify what version of Windows you have, maybe somebody can provide a known good export to .reg file of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory and also for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder. Also HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder. If they know what they are doing they can combine these exports into a single .reg file which can then be downloaded and installed by anyone. It may not matter what OS sometimes but there are differences between XP, Vista, and 7, and some dramatic diifferences between those and Win9x. To be sure of not losing functionality you should only import reg keys meant for your OS. This is one of those times.

To be assured that only the action associated with clicking on folders is affected it would be good to know that Explorer works correctly in every other way.

If one of the posters actually having the problem would reply to the thread with more information I might be able to help them. (If this information is not enough already.)


Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 12:30
by rogerdpack
re 1) my first thought would be to uninstall vlc, then use regedit and remove any keys that "mention" VLC (carefully, of course).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


might do the trick...

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 12:54
by akbeaman
Uninstalling VLC should remove all VLC context menus but might not fix the problem. If you want the VLC menu items don't uninstall.

It is true that correcting any value that may have been entered as a default action for the shell under the Directory key would fix the problem if that had been the cause of it. (Or adding back the needed value of "none".) If Windows finds an illegitimate value for default in the "Shell" key it will assign as default the first shell action on the list that it finds.

Thanks rogerdpack for pointing out the possibility of a problem with a default shell value. I have edited this post and uploaded a new version of the reg file with a new url to include your suggestion.

Here is a generic fix regfile to copy and paste into your text editor (Notepad or whatever plain text editor) and save as Folder-Open.reg with all files selected as the file type.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00









This will only affect the open action for folders. No other shell actions will be changed or lost. This key is from Vista Home Premium and should only be used for Windows Vista.

Instead of copying and making your own you can download this file:


It would be most wise to back up your Registry or do a System Restore point before using this file.

Unless one of the persons who actually has a problem replies to the thread, this is my best advice. :-|

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 13:30
by rogerdpack
: rogerdpack

:!: Deleting all shell actions will only make matters worse. Don't do that.
it's untested, but I believe it only adds to the registry.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 14:15
by akbeaman
: rogerdpack You're right about your reg file.

I am starting to wonder however if the Win XP Registry is coded the same as Vista. I am using Vista and with a blank value there the reported problem is reproduced but with the word none as the value the problem disappears. In the Folder\Shell key however it works exactly opposite for me. The word none creates the problem but blanking the value fixes it. I don't remember there being anything like that on XP. Maybe my reg file should be designated Vista ONLY.

I have once more edited the posted reg file and the corresponding download link as of the time of this posting. It should be perfect now for Windows Vista users. If you know how to edit the Registry with regedit then you should be able to figure out how to change the default shell action (what happens when you doubleclick an icon) by changing the default value for the Shell key as in the reg file file example. You might need a specific answer as to the correct value for your OS if it is not Vista. Vista is all I have up and running so somebody else will need to supply values for XP and 7.

Also besides the default action entry the keys and values which define the open action under Folder\Shell may be corrupted. Best to get an exported reg file from your same OS for those also.

Always backup your registry before you fool around with it.

In any case there can be more than one registry error that causes this issue and without communication from one of the persons affected that person cannot be helped with any confidence. All we can do at this point is guess and take shots in the dark.

Any new user reading this please make a note that when you post a question you should be sure to put a check in front of "Notify me when a reply is posted" so then you will know to come back and get your answer. Below is an example. You'll see it on the page below your edit window.


Works for me.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 20:50
by jaysen
I know this is slightly outside this forum category, but i'm getting the same behavior on Ubuntu, after dbl clicking a folder in media browser/playlist

Doesn't this strongly suggest its a vlc issue, and not the windows registry?

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 18:31
by sorceress99
VLC 0.9.4 adds two options to the File Folder type: "Add to your VLC player's list" and "Open with VLC media player". So when you double click a file folder (RH screen in Explorer) VLC tries open the folder. I did not have this problem with an earlier version. VLC edits your registry and adds these commands to your file folders. It should not do this!! You can repair the changes with a registry entry from: line 18 right-hand column if you have XP. I dont know if it will work for other OS. I am trying to get an answer from the authors as to why it does this and how to correct it.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 18:44
by jaysen
BTW, In Ubuntu I fixed it by right clicking a folder in the file browser, and choosing Open With another Application, and setting it back to the file browser (nautilus) there.

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 26 Apr 2011 01:43
by pgorian
Had the same problem - finally found an easy fix that worked on my windows xp installation

Note you will have to restart pc after running quick registry fix below.

(Quick and manual fix details at

Quick fix

Click Start, Run and type this command:

regsvr32 /i shell32.dll

(Thanks to David Candy for this tip)

Re: VLC opens when click a folder

Posted: 11 Apr 2012 23:44
by lrtestengr
These instructions from worked for me on a Windows XP system:

To fix the problem manually, open Registry Editor and navigate to:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shell


HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Drive \ shell

In the right-pane, locate and click the (Default) value
Click Modify on the Edit menu
Type the word none in the Value data box, and then click OK
Exit Registry Editor.