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vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 05:25
by gazzawazza
hi there.

Having seen a new version of VLC (1.1.3) available for download, I was keen to install, as I expected the media library in 1.1.2 to have been repaired/ working (as reported by "VLC_Help" in viewtopic.php?f=14&t=80388&p=268428&hil ... ry#p268428)

Alas, we seem to have simply traded one problem for another.

In version 1.1.2, any time you tried to add a folder, you got an error message (as in above link).

Now, when you try to add a folder to the Library, nothing happens at all.

I've tried using "add folder". This does nothing.

I've tried drag n drop direct from explorer. This does nothing.

The only work-round I've found is to drag n drop to the Playlist ("add folder" doesn't work here either), then drag n drop from Playlist to Library.

"Add File" appears to work for the Library & the Playlist though.

Also, you can toggle the playlist tree option in the Playlist but the folder tree-structure is permanently active in the Libary (i.e. you get a nested folder hierarchy - the last time I added a folder to the Library and just got its contents was in v1.0.5).

I'm trying hard to be patient but every time there's a new release something else is broken... and the only thing I can say about VLC is that each new version is simply unreliable, in one way or another. It's almost like the users are being used to debug the app.

I know the product is free but when a user has learnt that the first thing to do with a new version is to back up their settings / ml.xspf (in case of rollback), it means that the developers have lost user confidence.

Back, I guess, to v1.1.1

Can anyone else replicate the problem? I'm running VLC on vista home premium 32bit (fully patched up). :(



Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 08:21
by dragonAMD
well i was gona test your issue but i can`t seam to start the new vlc after installation.. i get Application error >"the application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005) " Guess it back to vs 0.9.9 (the only 1 that i dont have full screen issue with.)

Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 08:30
by Lukaydo
i confim the issue, i have the same vlc behaviour

Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 11:14
by Mysterius
I also have this issue (windows vista 32) w/ VLC 1.1.2

Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 12:37
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Try 1.1.4-git from Nightly Build of VLC

Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 15:18
by gazzawazza
Hey Jean.

Thanks for the super quick response. That's very good of you.

Ok... I've downloaded "vlc-1.1.4-git-win32.exe" from nightly builds and performed all the tests that I listed in my initial post on my vista 32bit platform.

The main problem seems to have been fixed... but Drag n Drop from Explorer still doesn't quite work.

Here are the results of my tests with the new build:

- "add folder" function now works for both Playlist and Media Library. Cool. Ty v. much. :D

- "drag n drop direct from Explorer" only works for Playlist. When you drag n drop from explorer to the Library, the folder appears in Playlist! lol

- "drag n drop between Playlist and Library" still works (in both directions).

- "Add File" appears to work for the Library & the Playlist.

- Toggling the playlist tree option in the Playlist works but we're still stuck with a permanent folder tree-structure in the Library I.e. when you add a folder to the Library you don't just get the folder contents.

So well done on cracking the add folder issue, JB... and thanks again for the really quick fix.

As far as I can see, the only outstanding issues regarding the Library are (and I recognise they are a lower priority):

* correct drag n drop to Library from Explorer.
* review the permanent folder tree structure in Library.
* sometimes I lose added fields/columns in the Library & Playlist. I have not mentioned this before and have no idea why or what triggers it.


Gary :)

PS I've noticed that the bug which stopped audio CDs playing has been fixed. Thanks for that as well.

PPS I feel you've tried hard to help me out - is there something I can do in return?

Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 16:32
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
PPS I feel you've tried hard to help me out - is there something I can do in return?
Just list me what is still broken with the 1.1.4-git in this post. (I don't care what works...)

Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 17:01
by gazzawazza
Just list me what is still broken with the 1.1.4-git in this post. (I don't care what works...)
Sure J-B...

I actually did in my last post:
* correct drag n drop to Library from Explorer.
* review the permanent folder tree structure in Library.
* sometimes I lose added fields/columns in the Library & Playlist. I have not mentioned this before and have no idea why or what triggers it.
Also, there seems to be a general parsing issue when playing items. This happens in both the Media Library & Playlist. For example, I have a lot of DJmixes but I keep the track-listings in .txt files (which have the same name as the .mp3 files). When moving from one track to the next, VLC tries to play the .txt files (although the .txt files are not listed) and VLC obviously fails (doesn't recognise input's format).

I think that's about it.



Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 17:13
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
* correct drag n drop to Library from Explorer.
* review the permanent folder tree structure in Library.
* sometimes I lose added fields/columns in the Library & Playlist. I have not mentioned this before and have no idea why or what triggers it.
Sometimes is too vague

Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 19 Aug 2010 18:33
by gazzawazza
sorry J-B.

* review the permanent folder tree structure in Library.

In the Playlist, you can choose between having a folder tree structure and just the contents of a folder (In Preferences/Playlist). In the Media Library, you ONLY get the tree structure. I believe in VLC 1.05, if you added a folder to the Library, you would just get the media files, not the folder hierarchy as well.
* sometimes I lose added fields/columns in the Library & Playlist. I have not mentioned this before and have no idea why or what triggers it.

Sometimes is too vague
If I add an additional column to the media library (e.g. URI), sometimes, that field simply disappears (on starting VLC) and you only get the default columns I.e. you lose any extra columns of media data that you might have added in.

Hope this is less vague!



Re: vlc 1.1.3 - can't add folders to the media library

Posted: 20 Aug 2010 09:15
by dragonAMD
Nice > vlc-1.1.4-git-win32.exe fix allot of issues! i don`t have the full screen lock out> in full screen double click nothing happens.. take 3>x tried before it would come out.

besides that nothing els went wrong or not working :mrgreen:

:!: Edit: I did notice that wen i`m playing video in windowed mode and move it from side to side i can see a ghost image of the playlist, only for brief instance

win7 64, Amd REna IIx3 3.1GHz, DDR2 6GBRam GTS 250 2Gb... any other info just ask all check back tomorrow.