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1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 01:08
by c3bhm
This has been complained about MULTIPLE times for a COUPLE OF MONTHS now.

VLC is not shutting down when X'd. The icon remains in the systray and the program's process is still running.

How in the name of all that is holy is this NOT GETTING FIXED?!? "Ctrl+Q" is not a solution.

[WinXP, ATI Radeon]

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 04 Aug 2010 16:29
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
How in the name of all that is holy is this NOT GETTING FIXED?!? "Ctrl+Q" is not a solution.
Because you didn't fix it?

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 05 Aug 2010 00:18
by c3bhm
"Because you didn't fix it?" I don't know what that means. Is it a sly way of saying I should either reprogram VLC myself or STFU?

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 05 Aug 2010 08:41
by Lotesdelere
Is it a sly way of saying I should either reprogram VLC myself or STFU?
VLC is open source so feel free to fix it yourself.

On a sidenote you may use that tone to complain about something you have paid for but surely not about a program that is given to you for FREE by people who are doing it on their free time.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 05 Aug 2010 13:32
by Trond
if they cant program then dont give vlc out to the people assholes

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 05 Aug 2010 17:20
by Lotesdelere
There are bugs in any software, even your OS is not bug free.
No one is forcing you to use VLC nor any other software. It's your own choice and your own decision. And as said before the source code is available so feel free to fix the bugs that are important for you.

And BTW don't insult people. That won't help you in any way and I even gave you a warning for that.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 05 Aug 2010 21:48
by c3bhm
That's not a legit attitude in this arena. It makes sense on a juvenile level, so it's not total crap, but on a mature level that just doesn't fly.
It reminds me of that old nursery rhyme where the other animals don't help in baking the cake, so they don't get to eat any. Yeeeeesh. You can certainly go there, and that could maybe even win the middle-school audience in a debate, but 'man up' and DON'T go there.
VLC is offered as a product of quality - free or not. As such there's a basic expectation that you fix the bugs. Bugs are 100% OK and to be expected, especially of something that's free. BUT: when it's a particularly annoying bug that is a DAILY problem for a ton of users - and one that has been complained about for MONTHS **w/o being fixed** EVEN AFTER several bugfix rereleases...then you're in the territory where you need to EXPECT adamant complaints, and you should ADDRESS them.
That's just part of the territory when you offer something like this. It's kind of a 'social ethics' thing that's not 'written into the law' anywhere, so you CAN get away with being attitudinal, but it's understood on a more mature level that it's ON YOU to produce a quality product. Bugs are acceptable. 3 month lingering bugs that annoy a ton of users aren't acceptable.
I will lose any 'letter of the law' argument here, if your mind insists on seeing it all on that level. But on a guts/balls level, just man up and fix it.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 06 Aug 2010 01:40
by MichaelMc
This has been complained about MULTIPLE times for a COUPLE OF MONTHS now.

VLC is not shutting down when X'd. The icon remains in the systray and the program's process is still running.

How in the name of all that is holy is this NOT GETTING FIXED?!? "Ctrl+Q" is not a solution.

[WinXP, ATI Radeon]

Shuts down just fine for me. Must be you.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 06 Aug 2010 12:10
by cake_
Shuts down just fine for me.
Same here, but I run Win7 x64.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 06 Aug 2010 13:32
by solazy
Right cake, problem happens only under XP (I got also this very annoying problem) and probably not for all users running XP, which makes the bug harder to fix, especially it closes sometimes and sometimes not (on my PC, running XP)
Yesterday I asked j-b if it was possible to automatically keyboard "Ctrl+q" when the user clicks the red "X" button to close Vlc (if Windows and XP => keyboard "Ctrl+q") : i.e. we click the "X" button and the program redirects this clic to "Ctrl+q"
As Ctrl+q does correctly the job, maybe this kind of workaround (or any other approaching one) could fix the problem temporarily until they find exactly where the problem comes from ?

By the way, I would like to add this : how can anyone be rude when it comes to a freeware program ?
I will NEVER (in caps) understand this kind of attitude : it's FREE and programmers are insulted because they can't fix a bug ? If some users are not satisfied with what's happening, well don't use the program anymore and use another one, that's all !
If you paid for the program, I would understand your point, but as long as it's free, how can you use such insulting words ?

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 06 Aug 2010 13:47
by rogerdpack
Unfortunately with nagging bugs in an open source project, once appeals to the developers fail your only real recourse is to hack the source, come up with a patch, and submit it for approval. If they ignore that *then* you can complain, at least I think so. Barring that you can post messages that are nicely toned, like "just like to remind you guys that this bug is still outstanding and I would love for you to look at it" :)


Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 07 Aug 2010 01:15
by c3bhm
Yeah, I've been thankful for VLC for years and years, and have gotten a ton of people to switch over to it. In the past when there have been bugs I've done the whole "hey guys - it'd be great if you can please fix this - keep up the good work!"

But this time it's simply ridiculous. MANY people have complained about this issue for MANY months now and if "Ctrl-Q" works, then WHY CAN'T YOU SIMPLY ADD SOME LITTLE "MACRO" TO THE "X" SO THAT CLICKING THE X ALSO CTRL-Q's VLC?!?

SOMETHING. ANYTHING. I don't think you need to reinvent e=mc2 to fix this.

Have some pride in your product. It's a childish attitude to pull that whole "well if you don't like it, don't use it" crap. By that same token if you're not going to DO YOUR BEST to create a QUALITY product then don't even offer it in the first place. If you let VLC slide into this kind of buggy half-assed zone, w/o addressing it in a timely manner, you'll regret it. Your reputation is all you've got right now. And VLC could become HUGE - *OR NOT*.

Like I said, I know bugs happen, but you're not fixing this one and it has been a LONG TIME and it seems like you could at least toss a 30-second quick-fix like giving the "X" a Ctrl-Q command. SOMETHING. TONS of people are still using XP.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 14 Aug 2010 16:26
by rik9999
I have been using the FREE VLC software for many years and appreciate those who spend their valuable spare time creating and improving this very useful program. However I am having a similar problem since updating to the latest version compiled July 20th 2010. I have XP SP2 and when closing VLC its icon remains in the systray until I left click on it which then closes the program without any further actions required.
This is a niggle, not a major problem, as otherwise VLC performs as expected. My skills don't include compiling software, indeed it's all a mystery to me, otherwise I'd try to add my two pennyworth towards finding a solution. But I am gobsmacked how anyone could complain about a minor bug in free, open source software - or any bug at all. To all those who have provided this excellent utility, I send my gratitude.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 19:41
by traffhaunt
I've got the same problem, but I will not complain. I only wish that someone with greater programing skills than me took a look on this issue. I'll be grateful.
I'm running VLC on a Win 7 64 bit system, and VLC works great when starting it from a shortcut. But when starting VLC from task scheduler, the VLC process is still running after ending the task. I've tried to run VLC in compability mode, and tried to use task scheduler in 32 bit mode. The process persists.
Does someone have a solution of this?
Thanks in advance

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 04 Sep 2010 10:24
by VLC_help
traffhaunt: can you add vlc://quit as last playlist item when you start VLC via task scheduler?

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 10:00
by Dygear
Both X & Ctrl + Q do not work.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 13:04
by rogerdpack
did you try 1.1.5?

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 19 Nov 2010 20:17
by Dygear
I was using 1.1.4, and this bug is fixed as of 1.1.5. Thanks to all who did this, and thanks for rogerdpack for pointing me in the right direction after I gave no details on my system. (Sorry, my bug reports a better then that ... I was just very tired when I wrote that message.)

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 20 Nov 2010 00:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Thanks to all who did this,
You are welcome.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 28 Nov 2010 14:43
by Mr Mooney
Am getting the same issue on XP Sp3. On Vista sp2 its all ok.

So, tried the ctrl+q tip and it works fine. Funny thing is I cant remember this issue cropping up until 1.1.4. It used to closedown fine in prior builds.

Eitherway keep up the good work. VLC is still a fantastic app imo, bugs or no bugs.

Re: 1.1.2 ***STILL*** not shutting down properly

Posted: 28 Nov 2010 22:28
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Am getting the same issue on XP Sp3. On Vista sp2 its all ok.
With 1.1.5? seriously?