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VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 01:53
by AEN007


VLC 1.1.x still does not play on my ancien ordinateur ("T").
VLC 1.0.5 always and still does play just fine.

I never tried to play 1.1.0 on my two newer XP laptops until today.
VLC would play audio but not video. I found the following solution»
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=80115&p=264414&hil ... eo#p264414
I don't know why 1.1.x requires disabling HW YUV»RGB conversions.

I noticed today that 1.1.x CPU Features has SSE3 & SSE4 checked by default.
None of my XP laptops support those.
Unfortunately, correcting the CPU Features still did not solve my 1.1.x problems on "T";
however, it now seems to me that the 1.1.x problems on "T"
are not related to the annoying cache rebuild that 1.1.x does
but rather to some default setting(s) difference between 1.1.x and 1.0.5 ...
I have no idea what the problem actually is or how I will find the/a solution.

Any helpful replies/insights appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 11:06
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
What exactly is the issue? VLC doesn't launch or doesn't play video?

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 11:54
by AEN007


I backup my VLC application data folder.
I upzip the no-installer 1.1.x build.
I change vlc.exe to VLC .exe and create a shortcut.
I launch VLC. I unclick use Hardware YUV»RGB.
I correct the CPU Features settings. I close the VLC GUI.
The VLC.exe closes 5 or 10 minutes later.
I open VLC again and open an xspf playlist.
VLC rebuilds the font cache (why I do not know ... 1.0.5 never does ...)
When the font cache is rebuilt, VLC starts to resize the embedded display
then crashes - generating a crashdump.

I have seen this kind of VLC crash before on laptop "T".
When I was trying all the different VLC preferences, VLC would crash the same way
WHEN I had the XP display set to 24-bit instead of the 16-bit I use (to conserve CPU usage)
AND had overlays disabled. So (I posted this previously elsewhere) VLC does not play on "T" when set to 24-bit without overlays. Those settings are irrelevant in this case.
Display is set to 16-bit and overlays are enabled,
but VLC 1.1.x is (configured) markedly different(ly) from 1.0.5;
it seems to me that the 1.1.x problems on "T"
are not related to the annoying cache rebuild that 1.1.x does
but rather to some default setting(s) difference between 1.1.x and 1.0.5 ...
I have no idea what the problem actually is or how I will find the/a solution.

Any helpful replies/insights appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 13:45
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Change video output to GDI or opengl and try again.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 16:32
by AEN007

Bonjour et merci, mais ...
I tried most of the other output options to no avail ...
VLC only rebuilds the cache once, however; so
it does not seem to be a cache/broken font issue ...

Why does 1.1.x not play video (but also not crash) when Hardware YUV»RGB is selected?
That was selected on all three of my XP laptops and still in 1.0.5 on "T".

Any helpful replies/insights appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 22:26
by VLC_help
Why does 1.1.x not play video (but also not crash) when Hardware YUV»RGB is selected?
Display adapter driver bug most likely.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 06:51
by AEN007

VLC 1.0.5 does not have that problem. Why does 1.1.x have the problem?
Many people are experiencing this 1.1.x problem.
All these people have a "Display adapter driver bug"?
I don' think the problem is user specific.
I think 1.1.x is the source of this and (it seems) numerous other problems.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 18:07
by VLC_help
Why does 1.1.x have the problem?
Code used in VLC is AFAIK valid Direct3D code. But the issue should be fixed in VLC 1.1.2

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 31 Jul 2010 10:33
by AEN007

1.1.2 seems to work on my two newer XP laptops with HW YUV»RGB checked.
1.1.2 still seems to have SSE3 & SSE3 enabled by default.
1.1.2 VLC.exe still does not terminate properly unless by Ctrl-Q ...

1.1.2 still does not work on my ancien ordinateur "T".
1.1.2 did not even try to rebuild the font cache.
(I left the 1.1.1 font cache intact.)
1.0.5 and all previous releases worked very well on "T".
I would like to know what difference between VLC 1.0.x and 1.1.x
is preventing VLC from running on "T".

Any helpful replies/insights appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 31 Jul 2010 16:14
by VLC_help
1.1.2 still seems to have SSE3 & SSE3 enabled by default.
This shouldn't cause any issues since actual libraries don't require them.
I would like to know what difference between VLC 1.0.x and 1.1.x is preventing VLC from running on "T".

If you know how to use gdb, you could figure it out.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 11:10
by AEN007
I would like to know what difference between VLC 1.0.x and 1.1.x is preventing VLC from running on "T".

If you know how to use gdb, you could figure it out.
I have never heard of gdb before.
My vote is that VLC "fixes" 1.1.x, so that VLC 1.1.x runs on my PII like VLC up to 1.0.5 did.
The "Industry" wants everyone to trash their investments (both of time and money)
in their XP machines to buy the latest and greatest HW & SW;
invest money and lots of time in the latest and greatest HW & SW; and
then trash all that for the next latest and greatest HW & SW.
My PII from 1998 (now with XP) can run until I die using XP & XP releases.
I'll acquire new HW and SW sometime, but I won't trash my XP machines ...

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 12 Sep 2010 16:59
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No P2 are just plain too old.
Use VLC 1.0.5 or buy a new computer.

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 20:33
by AEN007
buy a new computer.
No ... VLC 1.1.x is the problem not my PII.
Good thing earlier this summer I FINALLY managed to configure S/MPlayer to play on my PII.
I already use S/MPlayer on my two PIV XP laptops.
I wonder if/when VLC will become a CPU hog
instead of the lean, mean multimedia machine VLC is now ...
... sooner than I thought ...

Re: VLC 1.1.x CPU Features

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 00:38
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You cannot expect modern software to run on 12 year old processors...

Buy a new machine, or use an older version.

Topic closed.