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Where did the "random" aka "shuffle" go?

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 14:28
by jmalmsten
Like the title says... Since I updated from 1.0.5, the playlist seems to lack the button for random playback of playlist items. I've searched around but all I can find is references in the documentation to where it used to be. Not where it's hiding right now...

Re: Where did the "random" aka "shuffle" go?

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 16:20
by VLC_help
It should be in main GUI, next to loop option.

Re: Where did the "random" aka "shuffle" go?

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 21:44
by jmalmsten

Where in the main gui you say? also, no, the loop isn't there either... if I change to show advanced controls I get A-B-Loop, record, snapshot and step-frame... nothing more.

Oh, wait... ok, I had to go into "customize interface" and manually drag the random-button into the GUI... So problem fixed I guess... though I would like to know why the problem emerged in the first place.

Re: Where did the "random" aka "shuffle" go?

Posted: 24 Jul 2010 15:20
by VLC_help
You have customized the interface. Out of box VLC 1.1.1 looks like that (red box shows the buttons).