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problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 14:20
by Shravanm
vlc latest version 1.1.0 is not playing wmv file, it is only playing audio, but video it is not displaying video, please help..........

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 15:42
by VLC_help
Could you share this problematic .wmv file to us?

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 16:43
by raz123
See the HD wmv sample that comes with Windows 7.

It's called Wildlife.wmv and is generally located under: C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\

Same issue here. With either 1.0.5 or 1.1.0.

Works with WMP, though.

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 17:13
by raz123
Problem turned out to be with my hardware acceleration drivers.

In Win7, I had to slide the hardware acceleration all the way down to: "Disable all DirectDraw and Direct3D accelerations, as well as all cursors and advanced drawing accelerations. Use this setting to correct severe problems with DirectX accelerated applications".

I would prefer if I could manually disable DDraw and D3D from VLC itself rather than the OS as a whole.

It'll do for now, but I might have to switch to MPC or WMP.

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 17:22
by raz123
Found the option to use an alternative video output.

Nevermind :)

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 29 Aug 2010 09:22
by streamertwo
i got the same problem starting from ver. 1 1 1 if i choose d3d out module video doesn't play, only audio if i choosing opengl module video stuttering,so for me choose another module is not a decision because another modules switching off aero,so can you help me solve this issue, i need d3d module work with 1.1.1 ver and above coz i try out with 1.1.4 too, with same result,untic hw acceleration and yuv->rgb doesn't help,os is win7 fresh install, video driver from winupdate,but i also tried catalyst all my try on fail.

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 29 Aug 2010 16:49
by VLC_help
Don't download display drivers from Windows Update.

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 07:20
by streamertwo
ok,i replaced video driver to ati last one, without success, but with 1.0.5 i can change v out to d3d and video running,and aero not switching off,please another suggestions!

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 15:38
by VLC_help
Which driver you downloaded from ATI?

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 15:47
by streamertwo
10 february 2010,my card is x700

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 31 Aug 2010 17:11
by VLC_help
Well I would guess there is some Direct3D instruction in VLC 1.1.x that doesn't work those old cards using Windows 7. If someone figures out what the actual instruction is, we might be able to provide some patch for it (or maybe the new Direct2D output works better).
AMD’s DirectX 9 ATI Radeon graphics accelerators are not officially supported under Windows 7. If the user chooses to, they can install the ATI Catalyst Windows Vista graphics driver under Windows 7. Please be aware that none of the new Windows 7 graphics driver (WDDM 1.1) features are supported (as the Windows Vista level graphics driver is limited to WDDM 1.0 level support). Using the ATI Catalyst Windows Vista driver under Windows 7 is not officially supported by AMD, and as such AMD will not provide any form of customer support for users running in this configuration

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 10:05
by streamertwo
with directX 3d out this issue happening if i switch display mode to extended,with one display, or clone video work, but in extended mode video blink just and only audio running,may be this info can help to solve it? with 1.0.5 version was normally work

Re: problem while playing wmv file

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 09:32
by streamertwo
is there anybody to answer?