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Single control of multiple VLC windows

Posted: 10 Jun 2010 08:10
by Axiom12
Hi, I've been looking in to the possibility of being able to simultaeously control multiple running instances of VLC on my computer. It seems that the controls (play/pause, FF, skip, etc) only work when the respective window has the focus (MS Windows?). Is there a way to control, say by shortcut, more than one instance so i can play or pause, etc them all together so they are effectively synchronised?

If not, my only other thought would be to run each instance on separate computers with remote receivers attached and use them like VCR's stacked on top of each other with a single remote to control them simultaneously! Surely there's got to be a better way?!?

Has anyone had any success with anthing like this?

Re: Single control of multiple VLC windows

Posted: 10 Jun 2010 10:42
by sil3noz
hello Axiom12, actually i have the same problem with a project of mine...maybe my final use is not like yours, but the native problem is substantially the same.
take a look at this thread,
i hope it could helps you, im waiting for an answer yet :)