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Plugin does not work with xulrunner 1.9.2

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 17:43
by cowwoc

I am trying to run xulrunner 1.9.2 under Windows 7 64-bit, FireFox 3.6.3.

Under VLC 1.0.5 I get a "plugin missing" icon, but it works fine under FireFox.
Under VLC 1.1.0 I get a "plugin missing" icon, and the plugin crashes FireFox.

How do I get xulrunner 1.9.2 working with VLC?


Re: Plugin does not work with xulrunner 1.9.2

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 20:45
by VLC_help
It should work with latest nightlies (at least someone patched it). ... 74337.html