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how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 26 May 2010 17:29
by yubercrs
my right speaker doesn't work. i can switch audio device to mono (audio/audio device/ mono) but it reverts to stereo every time i play another song.

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 26 May 2010 22:00
by VLC_help
If you use DirectX audio output, you can force the default speaker setup ( Tools -> Preferences... Show settings: All and Audio -> Output modules -> DirectX ).

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 26 May 2010 23:04
by yubercrs
If you use DirectX audio output, you can force the default speaker setup ( Tools -> Preferences... Show settings: All and Audio -> Output modules -> DirectX ).
ok i set output to directx and speaker configuration to mono, saved it, but it doesn't do anything. it still starts everything in stereo.

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 27 May 2010 04:27
by yubercrs
If you use DirectX audio output, you can force the default speaker setup ( Tools -> Preferences... Show settings: All and Audio -> Output modules -> DirectX ).
ok i set output to directx and speaker configuration to mono, saved it, but it doesn't do anything. it still starts everything in stereo.
nevermind. it's working now. don't know why it didn't earlier.

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 27 May 2010 16:18
by VLC_help
VLC restart is needed after change.

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 04 Oct 2011 11:33
by Pulse
Thanks to the VLC team for this product, this feature is just the best, as I'm deaf in one ear, this helps ALOT !!!!

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 04 Oct 2011 15:11
I'm deaf in one ear, this helps ALOT !!!!
If I were you I would invest in some hearing aids or aid. lol

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 01 May 2015 15:38
by sarexpert
Command line -sout-mono-downmix should do it

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 16 Jun 2016 00:11
by monoman
How do I know if I'm using DirectX audio output, or not? It's not listed as a running process in Task Manager. I've seen DirectX files but I don't remember when or where... a different computer maybe?

As to Command line -sout-mono-downmix , sarexpert, my friend is not good at the command line. Does he have to use the command line for everything if he uses the line you suggest, or can he combine it with the GUI?

(Oh, and I'm pretty sure the poster has heard of hearing aids but not everyone can benefit from one. Duh.)


Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 16 Jun 2016 05:49
by monoman
I was a careless reader "( Tools -> Preferences... Show settings: All and Audio -> Output modules -> DirectX )." but when I was in All Preferences, I did see this very preference. So now I know how to tell.

But I set it to Mono and played a "stereo demonstration" record that I googled off of the web, and it was in no way mono. It was 30 minutes with plenty of stereo experience, just as much as when set at stereo. Remapping everything to right made no difference either. It was still stereo and it came out both speakers. And checking the stereo to mono converter did nothing either. Actual testing is better than relying on what settings are labeled.

Re: how to set audio device to mono permanently?

Posted: 16 Jun 2016 07:51
by monoman
Unless closing the sound file and starting again, or restarting VLC would have made a difference? Sorry