swscale has no effect
Posted: 15 May 2010 00:33
Swscale doesn't affect output. Maybe I'm missing something?
Windows XP fully patched. Tried on VLC 1.05 and 1.10 pre4.
Enable "Video Scaling Filter" in Preferences>>Video>>Filters (Video Filter Module panel)
Set Nearest Neighbour in "Swscale" options (also tried others, but this should be most obvious)
Take tiny video (320x240) and maximize window (1920x1080) - video still uses same bilinear or bicubic filtering - i.e swscale did nothing
Zoom x2 instead of maximise - same problem
Tried this with:
- Overlay on and off
- Output module: Default, DirectX, OpenGL
- Various sub-settings within each of the above
- Closed app and restarted every time
Message window (verbosity 2) shows swscale initialising OK. But it always shows it resizing to the same size, i.e. 320x240 --> 320x240
Windows XP fully patched. Tried on VLC 1.05 and 1.10 pre4.
Enable "Video Scaling Filter" in Preferences>>Video>>Filters (Video Filter Module panel)
Set Nearest Neighbour in "Swscale" options (also tried others, but this should be most obvious)
Take tiny video (320x240) and maximize window (1920x1080) - video still uses same bilinear or bicubic filtering - i.e swscale did nothing
Zoom x2 instead of maximise - same problem
Tried this with:
- Overlay on and off
- Output module: Default, DirectX, OpenGL
- Various sub-settings within each of the above
- Closed app and restarted every time
Message window (verbosity 2) shows swscale initialising OK. But it always shows it resizing to the same size, i.e. 320x240 --> 320x240