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VLC 1.05 plugin dshow options

Posted: 30 Mar 2010 17:37
by eric leu
Need help badly... :(

I got VLC 1.05 play my capture card perfectly. I can even set preference so that I can open vlc and play. No need to modify any setting. But, when I embedded vlc in my IE8 (XP sp3), I already know plugin will not use vlcrc, I do javascript API playlist.add(url, url, options). But, seems like most of the :dshow-xxx stuff don't work. I only want to set ":dshow-video-input=3" and ":dshow-size=720x480". Code are very typical,

var vlc = document.getElementById("vlc");
var options = new Array(":dshow-video-input=3", ":dshow-size=720x480");
var id = vlc.playlist.add("dshow://", "player", options);

I also try playlist (m3u) from plugin and don't work either. Did I do something wrong? Anyway to get it work? I need this desperately. Any help will be every appreciated.

Re: VLC 1.05 plugin dshow options

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 17:38
by VLC_help
I think the options must be marked as safe ones (change_safe()), if you access VLC activeX via browser. Since those dshow options aren't marked as safe, they cannot be adjusted directly.

Re: VLC 1.05 plugin dshow options

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 02:45
by eric leu
How ? You mean change_safe() and recompile? Uh...okay...I'll try...
Will this feature be marked as safe on next release (V1.1)? We really like to play atsc on browser.
Thanks for the prompt reply.

Re: VLC 1.05 plugin dshow options

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 16:21
by VLC_help
Will this feature be marked as safe on next release (V1.1)?
AFAIK no.;a=bl ... /dshow.cpp

Re: VLC 1.05 plugin dshow options

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 16:53
by eric leu
Sorry, one more try. Finally ask, maybe there are many non-techy users want to know...

In the near future, unless recompile .cpp code, there is NO way to play NTSC nor ATSC TV in browser using VLC plugin (because we cannot change some of the dshow setting, like tunner-channel, video-input, ...)?!

Still I think VLC is a great software that can do a lot of things. I mean it!
