Simple streaming

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Simple streaming

Postby FreddyReady » 22 Mar 2010 19:27


I cannot seem to get a simple audio stream to work consistently. I did work but has now stopped over the weekend.

I have configured the remote server PC using the GUI and it appears to be streaming UDP (or RTP) data as displayed using wireshark. I am streaming to a single device with an IP address of

The problem I get now is when I attempt so start the client. I am using the command prompt to start VLC as follows.

vlc -vvv -udp//


vlc -vvv -rtp//

And I get the following message dump.

No matching module found. Use --list or--list-verbose to list available modules.

If I start the VLC GUI and use Media|Open Network Stream to open the stream I get the log message.

VLC is unable to open the MRL 'udp://@'. Check the log for details.

Looking through the log it indicates a socket bind error.

Have I missed something here?

Regards Freddy

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Re: Simple streaming

Postby VLC_help » 23 Mar 2010 14:34

No - for udp or rtp, so it should be more like
vlc -vvv udp//
vlc -vvv rtp//

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