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VLC 1.0.5 , No subtitles when recording DVD

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 21:37
by T.Sarastro
Comment: I have writtin similar text also as in an answer to a thread (VLC 1.0.5 No sound) General VCC Troubleshhoting, but I feel the problem could be platform related ...

With VLC 1.0.5 , portions of a DVD were recorded using the red recording button . When playing the recorded mpg-filesse, I sometimes get Video and Stereo sound but NO subtitles (These were visible during recording). Sometimes, when I played the same files again, I got sound but no Video (no 'pictures').
Used recording procedure commands were:
a) Use menu Show, select advanced controls.
b) Insert DVD.
c) Media select Open Disk, select drive, wait a few moments and select play and press red button.
d) Stop recording by pressing red button.

Questions :
1) Is there a possibility to select/unselect recording of subtitles when recording using red button?
2) Why is the screen black ( no video)? Error in codec? Unstable software?
3) Is it possible to record in an other output format than .mpg ? ( E.g. avi . This format can be played by Windows Media Player. But trying to play the recorded mpg files using WMP 11 lead to crash. (The Windows says error in ialmrnt5 and 'forbidden action' instead of telling the user that WMP can't handle mpg)

May be, dear readers you can give some hints?

Re: VLC 1.0.5 , No subtitles when recording DVD

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 19:22
by VLC_help
1) Is there a possibility to select/unselect recording of subtitles when recording using red button?
2) Why is the screen black ( no video)? Error in codec? Unstable software?
Tools -> Messages... (set Verbosity to 2) might explain more
3) Is it possible to record in an other output format than .mpg ?
Record button does as-if recording. So it keeps the format same. If you want to convert, use Media -> Convert/Save...

Re: VLC 1.0.5 , No subtitles when recording DVD

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 09:20
by goo
Quick recording (snips of longer videos) with SUBTITLES is a sorely missed feature of VLC. I've look around a bit and there seems to be no (easy!) solution to record w/ subtitles, short of doing full conversion, splitting, etc.

Hope this feature gets added soon!!