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Using "View"->"Advanced Controls" : problem with sound

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 10:43
by xyz000

(VLC 1.0.1 Goldeneye, WinXP)

I have a DVD of a private function which I'd like to extract to *.mov files. Reading around I decided to try enabling "View"->"Advanced Controls". This adds a record button to the interface. I start playing the DVD as normal then, when I get to the section I want to extract, I click the "record" button. At the end of the section I want to extract I un-click the "record" button. This creates an automatically-named "vlc-record-*.mov" file in the My Documents folder. All great so far.

The problem I have is that if I try to extract long video sections then the audio of the saved .mov file goes silent. The time at which the silence begins is different in each file but can be as soon as ten minutes into the captured video. I've checked that the audio on the actual DVD is fine.

Any idea what might cause this and what a solution might be?


Re: Using "View"->"Advanced Controls" : problem with sound

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 14:25
by VLC_help
If you play normal DVD-Video disc, the output won't be MOV file. You have to transcode if you want MOV output.

Re: Using "View"->"Advanced Controls" : problem with sound

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 14:42
by xyz000
Forgive me. I repeated the method that I typed in post #1 and it created an MPG file not a MOV file. Here's a better description:

(1) View->Advanced Controls.
(2) Media->Open Disc. The "DVD" radio button is selected. The "Disc device" list box is "D:". Click the "Play" button at the bottom of the "Open Media" dialogue box.
(3) While the DVD is playing in real-time I can click the red-circle "Record" button located just under the time slider bar at the bottom of the VLC interface window. Then, when I click this record button a second time (to de-select the button) a file called "vlc-record-2010-01-05-13h36m02s-dvd___D-.mpg" was created in My Documents.

The remainder of the description is still true - if I record long video sections then, some way into the recorded video, the sound goes silent for the remainder of the recorded video.

Does this improved description help to identify the problem?

Re: Using "View"->"Advanced Controls" : problem with sound

Posted: 07 Jan 2010 18:48
by VLC_help
Does this improved description help to identify the problem?
Yes, what you describe is known issue.

Re: Using "View"->"Advanced Controls" : problem with sound

Posted: 07 Jan 2010 22:57
by xyz000
Thanks for this. I'll check my file sizes and see if they coincide with the suggested 4Gb issue.