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Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 13 Sep 2009 20:39
by barnie1989

I've inserted the activex control VLCPlugin21 in my VB application. It works great! Now some videos must be rotated. Is it possible to do this with that contol? Only fpr viewing, not for saving!

Bye and thanks RUDI

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 14 Sep 2009 13:40
by VLC_help
You can enable rotate filter from VLC.

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 14 Sep 2009 14:12
by barnie1989
and how do I this with the activex control ?


Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 15 Sep 2009 13:23
by VLC_help
You add the rotate option before the name of your media file. Test the parameters in VLC to make sure you have the right ones.

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 15 Sep 2009 23:06
by barnie1989
that command doesn't work:

VLCPlugin21.Playlist.Add "--video-filter ""rotate{angle=90}"" movie.avi"

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 16 Sep 2009 12:31
by VLC_help
But it does work when you use it with vlc.exe?

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 16 Sep 2009 13:18
by barnie1989
YES, with vlc.exe it works! Now tell me how does ist work with the activex component :)

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 17 Sep 2009 17:10
by VLC_help
Does video play in ActiveX or it doesn't even start? Can you check the messages?

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 19 Sep 2009 10:49
by barnie1989
Where I see the messages?

With that command, the video will be played: frmVLC.VLCPlugin21.Playlist.Add "\\server-barnie\FotoDB_FileStore01\Datenfiles\0308\#00308328#MOV03821.MPG"

and here - nothing happend: frmVLC.VLCPlugin21.Playlist.Add "--video-filter ""rotate{angle=90}"" \\server-barnie\FotoDB_FileStore01\Datenfiles\0308\#00308328#MOV03821.MPG"

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 19 Sep 2009 18:52
by VLC_help
It seems that in ActiveX the options are added as last parameter.

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 20 Sep 2009 11:16
by barnie1989
Thanks... I've tried many versions... The video always will be played, but not rotated. How must I set the options???

Dim loOptionen(1) As String
loOptionen(0) = "video-filter"
loOptionen(1) = "rotate=190"
llHandle = frmVLC.VLCPlugin21.Playlist.Add(gfsGetBildDateiName(glBildID(giSelectedPic)), "MyVLC", loOptionen)
VLCPlugin21.Playlist.playItem 0

Dim loOptionen(0) As String
loOptionen(0) = "--video-filter ':rotate{angle=123}'"
llHandle = frmVLC.VLCPlugin21.Playlist.Add(gfsGetBildDateiName(glBildID(giSelectedPic)), "MyVLC", loOptionen)
VLCPlugin21.Playlist.playItem 0

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 20 Sep 2009 13:28
by VLC_help
I have no clue how Visual Basic string stuff works, but
loOptionen(0) = "--video-filter ':rotate{angle=123}'"
should prolly be
loOptionen(0) = "--video-filter 'rotate{angle=123}'"
loOptionen(0) = "--video-filter=rotate{angle=123}"

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 20 Sep 2009 21:41
by barnie1989
no chance.. :( I've tried all combinations... NOTHING!

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 26 Sep 2009 08:39
by barnie1989
Does really noone knows how to set the option to rotate a video with the activex contol?

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 15:11
by surf_uk
I'm using a c# vlclib.dll wrapper and the options I send are:

string[] args = {VlcDirectory,
"--plugin-path=" + Path.Combine(VlcDirectory,"plugins")};

Rotate works in with "--video-filter","rotate{angle=180}"

Re: Rotate a video via activex in Visual Basic 6

Posted: 24 Mar 2022 18:14
by matthiasmueller
It does not work for me.
Now I have:

Code: Select all

..... player.VlcMediaplayerOptions = new[] { "--high-priority", "--no-sout-smem-time-sync", "--clock-jitter=0", "--clock-synchro=0", "--live-caching=0", "--no-osd", "--rotate-angle=120.0", //Funktioniert auch, sogar mit genauen Graden und Kommastellen! "--video-filter=rotate", //Siehe: }; player.EndInit();
This works fine when applying before EndInit() !!!
But what I need is to rotate while playing the video. It does not help me to just rotate to a fixed value before at Init because I need to rotate the video live (and also another problem is that this all does not have an effect to my recorded video - it is not rotated...

So my idea was to enter it here:

Code: Select all

string[] option = new string[] { @":dshow-vdev="+Kamera_Gerätename, @":dshow-adev=none", @":dshow-size="+Bildbreite_real+"x"+Bildhoehe_real, @":dshow-aspect-ratio=16\:9", @":live-caching=0", @":clock-synchro=0", //@":sout=#duplicate{dst=file{dst=C:\Users\matthias.mueller\Desktop\test.mp4},dst=display}", //@":sout-all", //@":sout-keep", @"--video-filter","rotate{angle=180}", }; player.Play(new Uri(@"dshow://"), option);
But I don't know any syntax that works... is it possible to make it work?
Is there another solution to rotate the video while playing? I would like to use data from an encoder to rotate in real-time...