video colors changed from official build to my build
Posted: 03 Sep 2009 06:21
Community, if possible, try to help me...
I build my player using MSYS/windows and source code version 1.1.0 with contrib 'contrib-20090813-win32-bin-gcc-4.2.1-sjlj-runtime-3.15.2-only.tar.bz2'
My first target was to build all the system and get same behavior than production version.
After some round trips I could build and create the installer.. and voilĂ , I got my VLC up and running..
the problem is that all colors are changed..
The video shows a logo.. The correct logo's color is an yellow-brown but it is appearing as a blue in my compilted version. Original version, download from site, works 120% (having Windows Media Player as a benchmark)
I build my player using MSYS/windows and source code version 1.1.0 with contrib 'contrib-20090813-win32-bin-gcc-4.2.1-sjlj-runtime-3.15.2-only.tar.bz2'
My first target was to build all the system and get same behavior than production version.
After some round trips I could build and create the installer.. and voilĂ , I got my VLC up and running..
the problem is that all colors are changed..
The video shows a logo.. The correct logo's color is an yellow-brown but it is appearing as a blue in my compilted version. Original version, download from site, works 120% (having Windows Media Player as a benchmark)