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video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 06:21
by arof3000
Community, if possible, try to help me...

I build my player using MSYS/windows and source code version 1.1.0 with contrib 'contrib-20090813-win32-bin-gcc-4.2.1-sjlj-runtime-3.15.2-only.tar.bz2'

My first target was to build all the system and get same behavior than production version.

After some round trips I could build and create the installer.. and voilĂ , I got my VLC up and running..

the problem is that all colors are changed..

The video shows a logo.. The correct logo's color is an yellow-brown but it is appearing as a blue in my compilted version. Original version, download from site, works 120% (having Windows Media Player as a benchmark)


Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 19:19
by VLC_help
Disable Use hardware YUV -> RGB conversions option. Tools -> Preferences... (Show settings: All) Video -> Output modules -> DirectX

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 16:21
by arof3000
how may I set this option using the ActiveX control, I mean, programatically?

p.s.: when I set this using my own compilted version, VLC crashes and sends a bug report!


Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 09 Sep 2009 13:35
by VLC_help
how may I set this option using the ActiveX control, I mean, programatically?
Change the default value from source code.

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 20:20
by arof3000
any tip where could I change theses values?

sorry, for asking this, but I'm still adapting myself to the environment.. sometimes I miss a debugger, but soon I hope I'll be able to navigate trought the source ..

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 27 Sep 2009 14:55
by VLC_help

Code: Select all

add_bool( "directx-hw-yuv", true, NULL, HW_YUV_TEXT, HW_YUV_LONGTEXT, true )
in modules\video_output\msw\directx.c

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 02 Oct 2009 02:19
by arof3000
thanks, I'll try this new :)

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 02 Oct 2009 02:19
by arof3000
I meant .. I'll try this now!! thanks a lot!

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 19:58
by arof3000

I found that 'modules\video_output\msw\directx.c' already contains the declaration:

add_bool( "directx-hw-yuv", 1, NULL, HW_YUV_TEXT, HW_YUV_LONGTEXT,true )

on vlc_module_begin()

should I make something diferent?


Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 13:55
by VLC_help
You have to change

Code: Select all

add_bool( "directx-hw-yuv", 1, NULL, HW_YUV_TEXT, HW_YUV_LONGTEXT,true )

Code: Select all

add_bool( "directx-hw-yuv",0, NULL, HW_YUV_TEXT, HW_YUV_LONGTEXT,true )

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 13 Oct 2009 02:01
by arof3000
Unfortunatelly it didn't worked. getting crazy.. any other tip?

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 13 Oct 2009 16:54
by VLC_help
What is the default setting for that option if you start the VLC that you compiled?

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 01:39
by arof3000
my default it is enabled. after change the settings, it getting DISABLED, as expected, but colors are still wrong.

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 13:50
by VLC_help
Are they wrong on all video output modules?

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 17 Oct 2009 06:28
by arof3000
all modules (tested with mpeg, avi, flv)

Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 17 Oct 2009 13:22
by VLC_help
Then it is an another issue.

Re: video colors changed in official build

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 23:37
by Raccune
Then it is an another issue.
Hello! I have another issue^ ^... I have become a member just so that I could bump this thread [if anyone thinks I should start a new thread--I'll do it].

(i'm a Toronto-nian and good with computers [lol 'cept my below avg. typing speed[really! the page will time-out before i'm done]]] ....just to make it totally clear that I'm not a troll or an idiot.

0^*=[Windows XP SP3, Pentium(R) 4 2.8Ghz 512DDR ram]
1^*=[till now vlc worked fine, except that the Direct X Wallpaper overlay was non-functional]
2^*=[ati Radeon 9200 256mb]
3^*=[Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller, date: 20/09/2005, version:] ***((( Yes, I know most of this information is not relevant!!!
I'm running xp, 0^*, and vlc version, 1^*, today I removed the PCI video card I was using, 2^*, and switched to my default on-board video-out, 3^*,
I needed to update my driver, I completed that with little difficulty. I watched the new sherlock Holmes movie in .mp4 format.

I was presented with the same visual symptoms as described in the beginning of this thread. i.e. The colours (lol-colors) were different, all flesh-tones and close-range warm-colours were all represented by various shades of blue, and in general the whole thing looked like there was a matrix-style blue filter, oh except for white [really white=white]. I enjoyed the error a lot.

Anyway, after I closed vlc and reopened it, the error was gone. My goal, dear forum, is this: I would like to re-enable that effect and potentially control individual- and range-wide colour (lol-color) definitions.


BUWAHAHAHA!!!! Is that not a huge undertaking? I'm know I'm just dreaming, but if someone could answer some questions about it that would be great!


Re: video colors changed from official build to my build

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 17:45
by VLC_help
My goal, dear forum, is this: I would like to re-enable that effect and potentially control individual- and range-wide colour (lol-color) definitions.
What you experienced is prolly a display adapter driver bug. There are some color controls you can use via Tools -> Effects and Filters then Video effects and Basic