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H.264 video plays in 0.8.6 but doesn't play in0.9.8 or 1.0.0

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 12:36
by gautham
I've recorded a video from my surveillance DVR. It has encoded using H.264 Base Profile encoder. I'm able to play this with VLC player version 0.8.6. However the later versions of VLC players don't play. This includes 0.9.8 and the latest 1.0.0

But the curious thing is on Linux, all the versions of VLC player including (0.9.8) play the video. I've uploaded the recorded video at Can anyone help me out.

Thanks in advance

Re: H.264 video plays in 0.8.6 but doesn't play in0.9.8 or 1.0.0

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 18:34
by VLC_help
2. rename your .264 videos to .h264 to play them or force the --demux h264
Does that help?