Need help for run time speaker indicator

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Need help for run time speaker indicator

Postby sgauravv » 13 Aug 2009 16:11

Hello team,

We are working on speaker indicator, which is supposed to indicate the level of volume received from VLC player. I have worked on microphone, in microphone we can able to get the input buffer and according to that we are able to display the level of volume. I have gone through Microsoft sites I have found that if we link the speaker volume with microphone volume then we can feed the speaker audio data into microphone and get the volume level but that I can not do for my application.

Normally If I have data then using waveStreamCallback API, we can get the speaker audio buffer for volume indicator. But VLC did not provide any API so that we can get the audio buffer.

In vista we have core audio API that get the audio buffer from speaker out ports and using that we can get the amplitude but in XP we do not have such API.

So please suggest me how can I implement this.

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Re: Need help for run time speaker indicator

Postby VLC_help » 13 Aug 2009 18:12

You don't have to use Microphone. You can use what-u-hear, stereo-mix, wave-mix or similar if your sound devices support those. Other option is to write VLC audio filter that does the trick.

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