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VLC Windows 1.0.1 DVD Menu Doesn't Work

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 09:18
by vinnylan
I am using VLC Windows 1.0.1. I can load my DVDs but when I reach the menu screen, I cannot select any of the DVD menu options. I try using my mouse to move over the menu options and nothing lights up. I try to click on the menu options and nothing works. I try to use my keyboard's arrow keys to move to the option I want and I don't see anything move.

Any idea why?

I opened my DVD via "open file" and "open folder" because I copied the DVD to my laptop instead of running it from a DVD.

Re: VLC Windows 1.0.1 DVD Menu Doesn't Work

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 18:00
by VLC_help
I opened my DVD via "open file" and "open folder" because I copied the DVD to my laptop instead of running it from a DVD.
Use Open Disc.