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Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 23 Jul 2009 19:18
by Ravex
I just tested arround with the Wallpaper mode and read a few guides, how to "configure" it. for example, that i dont have the vlc window anymore, that there is nothing in the taskbar. the icon should only be in the tasks [next to the clock].

i read alot about wxWidgets to configure a wallpaper.

in generell the wallpaper is working, but i cant set any settings for it.

can i active that wxWidgets menu somehow?
is there another method to give some settings to the "desktop view"?

my english isnt that perfect, i hope you can understand my question.

thanks for reading

ps: ofc i have vlc 1.0.0

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 24 Jul 2009 14:56
by VLC_help
There isn't wxWidgets anymore in VLC. It vanished with VLC 0.9.x. And there really isn't any settings for wallpaper mode (other than enable/disable it).

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 24 Jul 2009 16:19
by Ravex
There isn't wxWidgets anymore in VLC. It vanished with VLC 0.9.x. And there really isn't any settings for wallpaper mode (other than enable/disable it).
doh!, and it wont be implemented anymore?

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 25 Jul 2009 16:14
by VLC_help

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 26 Aug 2009 03:13
by pablorosatti
Why VLC don't use WxWidgets anymore? WxWidgets is cross platform, and has very nice UI.

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 26 Aug 2009 09:32
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Why VLC don't use WxWidgets anymore? WxWidgets is cross platform, and has very nice UI.
Qt also. And Qt is less buggy.

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 19:22
by pablorosatti
Less buggy? that is relative, qt version of avidemux has more bugs than gtk version (both win32), amule and audacity are using wxwidgets and are rock-solid...
Some progs using wxwidgets:

* Amaya Web editor
* aMule
* Audacity
* BitTorrent
* Chandler
* CodeBlocks (Open Source C++ IDE)
* CodeLite
* DivFix++ (AVI Video repair and preview utility)
* FileZilla
* ionCube
* PTgui
* RapidSVN
* TortoiseCVS
* wxDownload Fast
* wxMaxima (A free computer algebra system (CAS))
* wxHexEditor (A hex editor that supports HUGE files and devices.)

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 20:26
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Sorry, I don't see your point here.

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 22:10
by pablorosatti
OK, you are the programmer, i you dont' want to use WxWidgets, don't do that.

Re: Video Wallpaper Mode

Posted: 28 Aug 2009 17:27
by VLC_help
And Avidemux bugs aren't related to GUI framework itself.