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using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 08:52
by majax79

I know that a partfile plugin has not been created for VLC 1.0. I was just wondering if there is a workaround that anyone knows about?

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:10
by littleb2005
u got 2 choices either go to ur emule temp folder and double click on a 001 part file and set vlc to be the defualt app

or go to your emule options and select the menu name files

u should see something that says video player with a folder beside it click the folder then locate where the vlc exe for me it in

C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe

then u should be able to preview

also look for something in your emule options that allow u to tell emule to preview chucks first

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 12:24
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
u got 2 choices either go to ur emule temp folder and double click on a 001 part file and set vlc to be the defualt app

or go to your emule options and select the menu name files

u should see something that says video player with a folder beside it click the folder then locate where the vlc exe for me it in

C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe

then u should be able to preview

also look for something in your emule options that allow u to tell emule to preview chucks first
Yeh, could you put that on our wiki ?

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 17:10
by VLC_help

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 21:30
by majax79
Is Emule the program that needs to update the plugin?

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 21:48
by littleb2005
Is Emule the program that needs to update the plugin?
yes or the developer who created whatever which

beside something tell me the emule gurz will just tell u to use the video player in the files menus in options to preview files

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 13:34
by Valo
Unfortunately, without the libaccess_partfile_plugin.dll specific for the version of VLC in use, there's no way to preview all the downloaded parts in one single sequence. You only see the first downloaded part, then VLC stops working (it even gives an error message, sometimes). Well, so it was with the versions subsequent to 0.86 (this is why I'm still using the 0.86 version). I wonder if Version 1.0 has overcome this difficulty and is able to carry out the preview of all the downloaded parts in one single sequence, without need of that .dll... It would be a great thing, because VLC is really Number One!

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 15:31
by gigiriva
Unfortunately, without the libaccess_partfile_plugin.dll specific for the version of VLC in use, there's no way to preview all the downloaded parts in one single sequence. You only see the first downloaded part, then VLC stops working (it even gives an error message, sometimes). Well, so it was with the versions subsequent to 0.86 (this is why I'm still using the 0.86 version). I wonder if Version 1.0 has overcome this difficulty and is able to carry out the preview of all the downloaded parts in one single sequence, without need of that .dll... It would be a great thing, because VLC is really Number One!
Thanks for the info

I get rid of 1.0.1 immediately. Where can I find VLC 0.86?

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 17:00
by VLC_help

Re: using VLC to preview Emule

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 13:50
by geek-du-44
with VLC 1.1.1 i can read some *.part, but it can only read beginning of this .part.

even on download emule download few seconds of video (adverts...), how to make for read middle movie ?

can you to do somethings to read any samples of video ?

'cause actually when i move cursor VLC crash.