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package-win32-base-exe error

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 18:51
by hobbitten
There is an error in the Makefile for exe. Needed to remove /cygdrive from
elif [ -x "/c/Program Files/NSIS/makensis" ]; path and rm statement rm -Rf $(win32_destdir)/sdk.

Code: Select all

package-win32-base-exe: package-win32-base # Create package # rm -Rf $(win32_destdir)/sdk if makensis -VERSION >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ MAKENSIS="makensis"; \ elif [ -x "/c/Program Files/NSIS/makensis" ]; then \ MAKENSIS="/c/Program\ Files/NSIS/makensis"; \ elif [ -x "$(PROGRAMFILES)/NSIS/makensis" ]; then \ MAKENSIS="$(PROGRAMFILES)/NSIS/makensis"; \ elif wine --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ MAKENSIS="wine C:/Program\ Files/NSIS/makensis.exe"; \ else \ echo 'Error: cannot locate makensis tool'; exit 1; \ fi; \ eval "$$MAKENSIS $(win32_destdir)/vlc.win32.nsi"

There is also an error with make package-win32-base-exe

Code: Select all

Changing directory to: "c:\VLC\vlc\vlc-1.1.0-git" Processing script file: "./vlc-1.1.0-git/vlc.win32.nsi" !include: "languages\declaration.nsh" Var: "Name_Section01" Var: "Name_Section02a" Var: "Name_Section02b" Var: "Name_Section03" Var: "Name_Section04" Var: "Name_Section05" Var: "Name_Section06" Var: "Name_SectionGroupAudio" Var: "Name_SectionGroupVideo" Var: "Name_SectionGroupOther" Var: "Name_Section07" Var: "Name_Section08" Var: "Desc_Section01" Var: "Desc_Section02a" Var: "Desc_Section02b" Var: "Desc_Section03" Var: "Desc_Section04" Var: "Desc_Section05" Var: "Desc_Section06" Var: "Desc_Section07" Var: "Desc_Section08" Var: "Message_AlreadyInstalled" Var: "Name_Section91" Var: "Name_Section92" Var: "Desc_Section91" Var: "Desc_Section92" Var: "ShellAssociation_Play" Var: "ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith" Var: "ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist" Var: "Link_VisitWebsite" Var: "Name_InstTypeRecommended" Var: "Name_InstTypeMinimum" Var: "Name_InstTypeFull" Var: "Action_OnArrivalDVD" Var: "Action_OnArrivalAudioCD" !include: closed: "languages\declaration.nsh" !define: "PRODUCT_NAME"="VLC media player" !define: "VERSION"="@VERSION@" !define: "PRODUCT_VERSION"="@VERSION@" !define: "PRODUCT_GROUP"="VideoLAN" !define: "PRODUCT_PUBLISHER"="VideoLAN Team" !define: "PRODUCT_WEB_SITE"="" !define: "PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY"="Software\VideoLAN\VLC" !define: "PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY"="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\VLC media player" !define: "PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY"="HKLM" !define: "PRODUCT_ID"="{ea92ef52-afe4-4212-bacb-dfe9fca94cd6}" !define: "MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_ROOT"="HKLM" !define: "MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY"="Software\VideoLAN\VLC" !define: "MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME"="Language" Invalid command: @FILE_LIBVLCCORE_DLL@ Error in script "./vlc-1.1.0-git/vlc.win32.nsi" on line 23 -- aborting creation process make: *** [package-win32-base-exe] Error 1

Re: package-win32-base-exe error

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 12:14
by VLC_help
You should forward these to vlc-devel mailing list.

Re: package-win32-base-exe error

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 15:38
by hobbitten
It is not development related. I tried posting it on the development forum and got this reply back.

Re: package-win32-base-exe error

Postby j-b on Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:17 pm
Not specific to 1.0.0