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Dark video display

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 02:28
by tstorzuk
Hello all,

I have gone through this forum trying to find something that would work on my video display to brighten it up. Nothing I have found is relevant or works with my's what I've tried;

Activate GUI (I'm using the Windows version, so it comes with an active GUI already)
Enable Image Adjustment (I have searched all over the GUI and have not come across anything that allows me to activate image adjustment)
Increase Brightness (without being able to enable image adjustment, I can not increase brightness)

Tools > Preferences > Video
Accelerated Video Output (this did nothing to increase the brightness of my video display)

Settings > Extended GUI (there is no Settings menu item, and therefore no Extended GUI)
Increase Gamma in Video Tab (can't get to this without the available menu)

Video Card Settings
Turn off hardware video overlay (my video card doesn't have this setting available, so I can't check to see if it's enabled or not)

I am using VLC 0.9.9 running on Win XP Home w/ service pack 3
My video card is an ASUS V9570 TD
If you need any other hardware information, please ask and I will provide it.

Thanks for all of the help.

Re: Dark video display

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 15:42
by Alexsource
All video cards should have video overlay options so you can calibrate the gamma and brightness. It also should have similar options for non overlay, wich you should calibrate first. Heck, if a SiS on board card from more than 7 years ago have those options, an ASUS video card should as well. Perhaps you should look in windows control panel to see if there's an app for configuring your card.
Search the forum and or google for monitor calibration. You can apply monitor calibration techniques to video card overlay (after you take care of normal monitor calibration).

The brightness/etc. settings of vlc where moved to another menu in the 0.9.x series, can't remember wich one, as i never use it.

Re: Dark video display

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 18:50
by VLC_help
Tools > Preferences > Video
Accelerated Video Output (this did nothing to increase the brightness of my video display)
You pressed Save and restarted VLC after change?

Re: Dark video display

Posted: 03 Jul 2009 19:00
by duanev
Tools > Preferences > Video
Uncheck Accelerated Video Output
This fixed my long standing dark playback issue with vlc (first 0.8.x now 0.9.9) (I'm on an NVIDIA GeForce 6800) but what I want to know is why did installing Vlc darken *all* video playback including Windows Media Player? Is it proper for Vlc to influence the entire video system on WinXP? Uninstalling Vlc also "fixed" the problem.

Re: Dark video display

Posted: 04 Jul 2009 16:45
by VLC_help
VLC shouldn't matter to that. VLC doesn't install any system level dll files nor does it change display adapter settings.