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Please Help - can't change settings on "audio device"

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 05:45
by a-biddy
I am have a huge problem with setting the "audio device" default to "stereo." My default is currently "5.1" on release 0.9.9.

When I play a DVD I can manually change the setting from the audio choice on the menu from "5.1" to "stereo" while it is playing. But I can't do this when I am converting the same DVD to MP4 format - video records fine but I get no sound and cannot change the setting manually during conversion like I can while playing the same DVD.

Re: Please Help - can't change settings on "audio device"

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 17:06
by VLC_help
video records fine but I get no sound
That stereo/5.1 options shouldn't matter to video conversions because the audio device option is only for playback not for transcoding. When you transcode, you can use channels=2 to make audio stereo.

Re: Please Help - can't change settings on "audio device"

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 13:55
by a-biddy
Sorry - I'm a novice. How do I use channels=2?

Re: Please Help - can't change settings on "audio device"

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 15:41
by VLC_help
When you select the transcoding profile, you should see Generated stream output string, add channels=2 after ab=???, so for example if you now have

Code: Select all

change it to

Code: Select all


Re: Please Help - can't change settings on "audio device"

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 03:22
by a-biddy
Thanks for the suggestion - It doesn't seem to work

This is what the Generated stream output string looked like:

:sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst=C:\Documents and Settings\Andy Banks\Desktop\chicago 10.mp4}}

This is what I changed it to look like:

:sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=mp4,ab=128,channels=2,dst=C:\Documents and Settings\Andy Banks\Desktop\chicago 10.mp4}}

Is this what you meant me to do?

Re: Please Help - can't change settings on "audio device"

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 17:43
by VLC_help
You aren't doing any transcoding. You cannot put AC3 or DTS audio to MP4 container with VLC. If you want to copy, use ts instead of MP4, so

Code: Select all

:sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=ts,dst=C:\Documents and Settings\Andy Banks\Desktop\chicago 10.ts}}
If you want MP4 file

Code: Select all
