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Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 30 May 2009 18:43
by HansK
I've been searching arround for hours now and didn't find anything. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I don't know what I changed when it suddenly worked.

The problem is the following: I try to take snapshots from some videos. The deep black areas apear in white and there is nothing I can do...

Here is one picture of my problem, the second picture is how its supposed to appear. I hope you dont mind about the size of the pictures:



Hope someone can help me....

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 31 May 2009 15:48
by VLC_help
You use VLC snapshot feature or print screen?

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 03:46
by HansK
I use the VLC Snapshop. Like Rightclick -> Video -> Snapshot... something like that.

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 17:57
by VLC_help
Have you tried VLC 1.0.0-RC2?

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 01 Jun 2009 20:06
by HansK
I'll try it, that sounds like a good idea.

I found one way to fix that problem: The thing works when I use *.png as snapshot-file instead of *.jpg. After a few .png files jpg works.... Is there a good reason for that behaviour or may that be a bug?

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 16:28
by VLC_help
Is there a good reason for that behaviour or may that be a bug?
Sounds like a bug.

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 14:38
by HansK
Okay, thanks alot.

Tried VLC 1.0.0 RC2, it's the same problem...

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 16:47
by VLC_help
You have some sample file we could use to replicate this?

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 10 Jun 2009 22:20
by HansK
Okay, you can try that problem with the video from my server
Till now it's just been with the video files from my video camera (it's a panasonic sdr-s7), and the problem apears with different computers and with the different versions of vlc.

As there is not often really black areas in videos the problem appears when I use some adjustment effects like more contrast and less brightness or if I use the gradient-effects or things like that.

And as I said, it always happens when I try to make .jpg files with the snapshot, not with .png.

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 15:47
by VLC_help
I only get working snapshots (even if I adjust brightness and contrast).

Re: Snapshot Color Problem White instead of Black

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 10:01
by fleshtheworld
I dont know if you guys are having the same problem as mine. Video plays fine but snapshots are colored wrong.

All i did was reset the settings.