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TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 28 May 2009 06:34
by Sideoutdude16
I have enclosed the screenshot of the player that had the teletext option activated in the interface option but did not show up on the main screen (VLC Player) i've tried putting them on all toolbars that way i could see where it was but i had no luck. Is Teletext CC going to be fixed? The subtitles works perfectly but closed captioning is not functioning correct. I've tested it out on my dvd player and it worked without any problem showing Closed Captioning. (I am running the newest update of nightly build that is released for the May 27th) that JB stated Closed captioning should be included in the new version.



Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 28 May 2009 17:14
by VLC_help
You get any error/warning messages to VLC message log when you open the DVD?

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 30 May 2009 20:41
by Sideoutdude16

main error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
main error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
a52 info: A/52 channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:192000

that was all i got from it when playing the movie

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 31 May 2009 15:58
by VLC_help
That doesn't pinpoint the issue. So either the support isn't in 1.0.0 or it doesn't work correctly.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 04:38
by Sideoutdude16
As stated in this previous post

viewtopic.php?f=7&t=57338&p=193232&hili ... on#p193232
they have found a way to get this fixed

also in the 2nd post, page 8 J-B stated that it has been included.

please clarify this, i've been updating the nightly builds to the newest one every night when there are updates.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 07 Jun 2009 15:11
by VLC_help
There are multiple closed caption formats. I am guessing the DVD Closed Caption support isn't in Win32 builds.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 22:56
by Sideoutdude16
yeah right! it worked fine with my wm11 and nero! Since WM11 has the closed captioning encoder and the VLC doesnt.

What i am saying that it'll not show the interface on the main screen. I really wanted this to get to work, i am not giving up til there are an working interface for the closed caption to be enabled thru VLC instead of using wm11 to watch the movie.

Edit: What OS will this be supporting closed captioning encoder

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 23:05
by MontananIceMan
I am experiencing the same issue as the user above. I have both windows and linux boxes. I can confirm that the windows version does not work with closed captions but I have not updated my linux version yet and will do so in next couple days and report back. I would like to see this feature fixed! :)

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 09 Jun 2009 23:17
by Sideoutdude16
I've screenshot the difference between the closed captioning and the subtitles. They were taken from the WM11

Closed Captioning version

English Subtitles version

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 10 Jun 2009 02:32
by The DJ
People people....

1: What fileformat
2: What videoformat
3: what kind of Closed Captions (there are many formats)
4: what does teletext have to do with this? Or are we talking about teletext subtitling instead of american Closed Captioning ?
5: if you don't know, do you have a sample ?

All such basic questions need to be asked before anything useful can be said about this issue.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 10 Jun 2009 09:28
by Sideoutdude16
the file format is a regular VOB file and the video is just a normal dvd disc. (ntsc)

Closed Captioning uses LINE 21 as shown in the wiki site ( ) and line 21 ( )

what i would like to see is the american closed captioning instead of the subtitling version. (for tv shows and etc)

Mountainmen did upload a sample to J-B to play with the coding. related to the forum ( viewtopic.php?f=7&t=57338&start=0&hilit=closed+caption ) read page 1 where mountainman uploaded the video) I can upload if an sample is requested again.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 15 Jun 2009 05:05
by Sideoutdude16
any comments ?

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 06 Jul 2009 09:36
by Sideoutdude16
its been 2 weeks and no comments... bumping this up

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 16 Jul 2009 00:40
by MontananIceMan
Please dont let the closed caption idea fizzle out. I am also willing to upload a video with closed caption included again if needed. I even saw a thread on Slashdot about somebody wanting this feature. ... d?from=rss (No I am not that same person who posted in Slashdot :) )

Here is two links that may help you understand why we are requesting this feature: - This person explains the difference between closed caption and subtitles and even have open source files for his extractor program that you can look at. - this wikipedia article even points out the confusion - "Most of the world does not distinguish captions from subtitles. In the United States and Canada, these terms do have different meanings" and have some generic useful information such as "For all types of NTSC programming, captions are "encoded" into Line 21 of the vertical blanking interval – a part of the TV picture that sits just above the visible portion and is usually unseen. For ATSC (digital television) programming, three streams are encoded in the video: two are backward compatible Line 21 captions, and the third is a set of up to 63 additional caption streams encoded in EIA-708 format."

Some more quotes. "NTSC DVDs may carry closed captions in the Line 21 format. They are sent to the TV by the player and can be displayed with a TV's built-in decoder or a set-top decoder as usual. Independent of Line 21, video DVDs may also carry captions as a bitmap overlay which can be turned on and off via the DVD player, just like subtitles. This type of captioning is usually carried in a subtitle track labeled either "English for the hearing impaired" or, more recently, "SDH" (Subtitled for the Deaf and Hard of hearing). On some DVDs, the Line 21 captions may contain the same text as the subtitles; on others, only the Line 21 captions include the additional non-speech information needed for deaf and hard of hearing viewers. European Region 2 DVDs do not carry Line 21 captions, and instead list the subtitle languages available - English is often listed twice, one as the representation of the dialogue alone, and a second subtitle set."

Many of my friends and I are almost 100% VLC users except for the fact this program does not fully support closed captions as defined in Region 1. I am asking for either clarification on how to configure my VLC player to support closed captions or for future feature request if VLC does not fully support this feature yet.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 16 Jul 2009 16:06
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Give us not working samples.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 04:30
by Sideoutdude16
what samples would you like to get? whats the file size requirements for me to send you a sample?

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 11:42
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Anything you can make, big or small, that have CC and VLC can't read.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 22:04
by sbarella
I too have posted requests for CC. I have checked monthly for the past 2 years to see where the group is going and to date, I haven't seen much other than clarification as to what it is....and what it isn't. Which is important but unfortunately it usually means this hasn't gained much momentum.

As for requests for samples, any U.S. DVD has CC if you look closely for the CC logo on the outside of the DVD cover. Pretty easy to come by at least here in the U.S.

I am not a software engineer so I am not much help in the actual coding of this but I might be able to get a TS of CC as it goes from baseband video to MPEG-2 Transport Stream. I don't know if that does you any good but....tell me where to post it on an ftp server and I can record some samples.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 22:11
by fenrir
In VLC 1.0 Closed Caption in the sense of US subtitling IS supported on all the samples I have found. It simply appears as normal subtitle tracks in the video menu.

Do not confuse Closed Caption and Teletext as they are NOT the same thing at all.

If you have a sample for which the Closed Caption subtitle tracks does not appears in the video menu, then I am VERY interested to have a sample uploaded to our ftp, 50 mbytes (where CC should be seen) for example would be perfect.

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 22 Jul 2009 00:25
by Sideoutdude16
After the official 1.0 version came out... i finally got to see the closed captioning in the context menu but not on the screen where i would have to right click in order to obtain the CC from that.

Thanks for all of the hard work you've gave us!

Now I will be able to refer this program to my friends to obtain them!

Re: TeleText (Closed Captioning) Interface

Posted: 22 Jul 2009 09:15
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You can also have them in Video->Subtitles Track->