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Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 14:52
by vatastala
Hi, I'm totally new in VLC, and I need to ha some information about a multiview system to be created...

I have many streams for input, and I need an output that collect all these streams in a windows, someone can help me about this???

Thank you in advance

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 15:31
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
What do you mean with MultiView?

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 15:31
by vatastala
I need exactly this: ... mosaic.jpg

How can I do under windows???

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 15:40
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 16:21
by vatastala
Thank you, I made the Mosaic Wizard and I have the same problem of this topic:


Why mosaic doesn't start with the wizard??? How can I copy and run VLM code out from the wizard???

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 16:34
by vatastala
My mosaic.conf is like this:
# Comment the following line if you don't want to reset your VLM configuration
del all

# Background options
new bg broadcast enabled
setup bg input "C:\Documents and Settings\Vito\Desktop\vlc-media-player-2.png"
setup bg option sub-filter=mosaic
setup bg output #bridge-in{offset=100}:display

# Mosaic options
setup bg option mosaic-alpha=255
setup bg option mosaic-height=400
setup bg option mosaic-width=400
setup bg option mosaic-align=5
setup bg option mosaic-xoffset=200
setup bg option mosaic-yoffset=80
setup bg option mosaic-vborder=5
setup bg option mosaic-hborder=10
setup bg option mosaic-position=1
setup bg option mosaic-rows=2
setup bg option mosaic-cols=2
setup bg option mosaic-order=1,2,3,_
setup bg option mosaic-delay=0
setup bg option mosaic-keep-picture

# Input options
new 1 broadcast enabled
setup 1 input "D:\\Squadra Antimafia - Palermo Oggi moll.avi"
setup 1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=1,width=195,height=197},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=0},select=audio}

new 2 broadcast enabled
setup 2 input "D:\\Squadra Antimafia - Palermo Oggi moll.avi"
setup 2 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=2,width=195,height=197},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1},select=audio}

new 3 broadcast enabled
setup 3 input "D:\\Squadra Antimafia - Palermo Oggi moll.avi"
setup 3 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=3,width=195,height=197},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=2},select=audio}

# Launch everything
control bg play
control 1 play
control 2 play
control 3 play

# end of mosaic batch

If I want to run this .conf, can you explain me the command for vlc??? c:\> vlc .....

I tried c:\> vlc --vlm-conf mosaic.conf, VLC starts but doesn't play!!!

Thank you

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 18:06
by VLC_help
Start with -vvv and check messages. It should display the reason for the issue.

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 18:16
by vatastala
Ok, I tried with:

vlc -vvv --vlm-conf mosaic.conf

but I have no reason, every time I start this dos command It open a new istance of VLC!!!

I just select Ctrl+M and a message windows appear, the content is:

http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\dialogs\input (url=/dialogs/input)
avi debug: stream[0] created 148180 index entries
packetizer_mpeg4video warning: waiting for VOL
avi debug: stream[1] created 148167 index entries
avi debug: stream[0] length:5927 (based on index)
avi debug: stream[1] length:5927 (based on index)
main debug: using demux module "avi"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 134.000 ms - Total 134.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 134.000 ms)
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in D:\
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 18 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_mpeg4video"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 18 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "mpeg_audio"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
main debug: starting in async mode
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\dialogs\main (url=/dialogs/main)
main debug: `D:\Squadra Antimafia - Palermo Oggi moll.avi' successfully opened
avi debug: old:0 < new 0
mpeg_audio debug: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:128
main debug: adding a new sout input (sout_input:00C3D838)
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpga (es=1 group=0)
stream_out_duplicate debug: - ignored for output 0
stream_out_bridge debug: bridging out input codec=mpga id=2 pos=2
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 1
main debug: switching to sync mode
main debug: destroying chain... (name=bridge-in)
main debug: destroying chain... (name=display)
main debug: removing module "stream_out_display"
main debug: destroying chain done
main debug: control type=1
main debug: removing module "stream_out_bridge"
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\dialogs\mosaic (url=/dialogs/mosaic)
main debug: destroying chain done
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\dialogs\playlist (url=/dialogs/playlist)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\dialogs\sout (url=/dialogs/sout)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\dialogs\vlm (url=/dialogs/vlm)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\favicon.ico (url=/favicon.ico)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\flash.html (url=/flash.html)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\iehacks.css (url=/iehacks.css)
http debug: dir=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\delete.png (url=/images/delete.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\delete_small.png (url=/images/delete_small.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\eject.png (url=/images/eject.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\empty.png (url=/images/empty.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\fullscreen.png (url=/images/fullscreen.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\help.png (url=/images/help.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\info.png (url=/images/info.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\loop.png (url=/images/loop.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\minus.png (url=/images/minus.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\next.png (url=/images/next.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\pause.png (url=/images/pause.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\play.png (url=/images/play.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\playlist.png (url=/images/playlist.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\playlist_small.png (url=/images/playlist_small.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\plus.png (url=/images/plus.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\prev.png (url=/images/prev.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\refresh.png (url=/images/refresh.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\repeat.png (url=/images/repeat.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\sd.png (url=/images/sd.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\shuffle.png (url=/images/shuffle.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\slider_bar.png (url=/images/slider_bar.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\slider_left.png (url=/images/slider_left.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\slider_point.png (url=/images/slider_point.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\slider_right.png (url=/images/slider_right.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\slow.png (url=/images/slow.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\snapshot.png (url=/images/snapshot.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\sort.png (url=/images/sort.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\sout.png (url=/images/sout.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\speaker.png (url=/images/speaker.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\speaker_mute.png (url=/images/speaker_mute.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\stop.png (url=/images/stop.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\vlc16x16.png (url=/images/vlc16x16.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\volume_down.png (url=/images/volume_down.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\volume_up.png (url=/images/volume_up.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\white.png (url=/images/white.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\images\white_cross_small.png (url=/images/white_cross_small.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\index.html (url=/)
http debug: redir= -> /
http debug: redir=/index.html -> /
http debug: dir=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\js
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\js\functions.js (url=/js/functions.js)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\js\mosaic.js (url=/js/mosaic.js)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\js\vlm.js (url=/js/vlm.js)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\mosaic.html (url=/mosaic.html)
http debug: dir=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old
main debug: find .hosts in dir=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\.hosts
main debug: restricted to ::1
main error: invalid IP address ::1
main error: cannot add ACL from C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\.hosts
main debug: restricted to
main debug: restricted to ::/0
main error: invalid IP address ::
main error: cannot add ACL from C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\.hosts
main debug: restricted to
http debug: dir=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\admin
http debug: find .access in dir=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\admin
http debug: using user=admin password=admin (read=11)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\admin\browse.html (url=/old/admin/browse.html)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\admin\dboxfiles.html (url=/old/admin/dboxfiles.html)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\admin\index.html (url=/old/admin/)
http debug: redir=/old/admin -> /old/admin/
http debug: redir=/old/admin/index.html -> /old/admin/
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\cone_minus.png (url=/old/cone_minus.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\cone_plus.png (url=/old/cone_plus.png)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\index.html (url=/old/)
http debug: redir=/old -> /old/
http debug: redir=/old/index.html -> /old/
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\info.html (url=/old/info.html)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\style.css (url=/old/style.css)
http debug: dir=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\vlm
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\vlm\edit.html (url=/old/vlm/edit.html)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\vlm\index.html (url=/old/vlm/)
http debug: redir=/old/vlm -> /old/vlm/
http debug: redir=/old/vlm/index.html -> /old/vlm/
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\vlm\new.html (url=/old/vlm/new.html)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\vlm\show.html (url=/old/vlm/show.html)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\old\webcam.html (url=/old/webcam.html)
http debug: dir=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\requests
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\requests\browse.xml (url=/requests/browse.xml)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\requests\playlist.xml (url=/requests/playlist.xml)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\requests\readme.txt (url=/requests/readme.txt)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\requests\status.xml (url=/requests/status.xml)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\requests\vlm.xml (url=/requests/vlm.xml)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\requests\vlm_cmd.xml (url=/requests/vlm_cmd.xml)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\style.css (url=/style.css)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\vlm.html (url=/vlm.html)
http debug: file=C:\Programmi\VideoLAN\VLC\\http\vlm_export.html (url=/vlm_export.html)
main debug: using interface module "http"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 145.000 ms - Total 145.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 145.000 ms)
main debug: thread 5812 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:168)
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
main debug: thread started
main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 7.000 ms - Total 7.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 7.000 ms)
main debug: thread 5836 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:168)
main debug: thread started
main debug: looking for interface module: 15 candidates
avcodec debug: libavcodec initialized (interface 3413507 )
avcodec debug: using direct rendering
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (MPEG-4 Video) started
main debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 69.000 ms - Total 69.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 69.000 ms)
stream_out_mosaic_bridge debug: mosaic bridge id=chan1 pos=0
stream_out_mosaic_bridge debug: psz_chain: (null)

stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
stream_out_duplicate debug: - ignored for output 1
packetizer_mpeg4video warning: waiting for VOL
main debug: looking for video filter2 module: 19 candidates
main debug: adding a new sout input (sout_input:00C45C38)
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mp4v (es=0 group=0)
main debug: looking for decoder module: 34 candidates
avcodec debug: libavcodec already initialized
avcodec debug: using direct rendering
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (MPEG-4 Video) started
main debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 7.000 ms - Total 7.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 7.000 ms)
stream_out_mosaic_bridge debug: mosaic bridge id=chan2 pos=1
stream_out_mosaic_bridge debug: psz_chain: (null)

stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
stream_out_duplicate debug: - ignored for output 1
main debug: using interface module "qt4"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 28.000 ms - Total 28.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 28.000 ms)
main debug: thread 5904 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:168)
main debug: thread started
swscale debug: 640x352 chroma: I420 -> 95x97 chroma: I420 with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
main debug: using video filter2 module "swscale"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 16.000 ms - Total 16.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 16.000 ms)
main debug: looking for video filter2 module: 19 candidates
swscale debug: 640x352 chroma: I420 -> 95x97 chroma: I420 with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
main debug: using video filter2 module "swscale"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 2.000 ms - Total 2.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.000 ms)
main debug: adding a new sout input (sout_input:0604A058)
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mp4v (es=0 group=0)
main debug: looking for decoder module: 34 candidates
avcodec debug: libavcodec already initialized
avcodec debug: using direct rendering
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (MPEG-4 Video) started
main debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 3.000 ms - Total 3.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.000 ms)
stream_out_mosaic_bridge debug: mosaic bridge id=chan3 pos=2
stream_out_mosaic_bridge debug: psz_chain: (null)

stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
stream_out_duplicate debug: - ignored for output 1
main debug: looking for video filter2 module: 19 candidates
swscale debug: 640x352 chroma: I420 -> 95x97 chroma: I420 with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
main debug: using video filter2 module "swscale"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 2.000 ms - Total 2.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.000 ms)
qt4 debug: Error while initializing qt-specific localization

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 13 May 2009 18:48
by vatastala
Tried with:

c:\> vlc.exe --color --vlm-conf mosaic.vlm --ttl 12 --mosaic-width 720 --mosaic-height 576 --udp-caching 800 --mosaic-keep-picture --mosaic-position 2 --mosaic-order 1,2,3

and VLC open a windows with:

The command line options couldn't be loaded, check that they are valid.

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 14 May 2009 17:06
by VLC_help
I don't get error like that when I use the command-line you provided. You use 0.9.9 ?

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 15 May 2009 15:14
by vatastala
Yes, I use this version!!!

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 15 May 2009 16:16
by vatastala
When I click on "Let's go!" in mosaic wizard, next I click on "VLM Interface" near "Mosaic Wizard" and I see this screen:


Than, I think that playout stream starts, but VLC player stay stopped and I don't see nothing in my screen!!!

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 15 May 2009 17:53
by VLC_help
Have you tried it with VLC 1.0.0 test builds?

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 18 May 2009 11:38
by vatastala
I have the same problem as v. 0.99, mosaic wizard doesn't play my videos in mosaic, here the code:

## HTTP interface mosaic wizard ##

# Comment the following line if you don't want to reset your VLM configuration
del all

# Background options
new bg broadcast enabled
setup bg input ""
setup bg option sub-filter=mosaic
setup bg output #bridge-in{offset=100}:display

# Mosaic options
setup bg option mosaic-alpha=255
setup bg option mosaic-height=200
setup bg option mosaic-width=200
setup bg option mosaic-align=5
setup bg option mosaic-xoffset=10
setup bg option mosaic-yoffset=10
setup bg option mosaic-vborder=5
setup bg option mosaic-hborder=10
setup bg option mosaic-position=1
setup bg option mosaic-rows=2
setup bg option mosaic-cols=2
setup bg option mosaic-order=chan1,chan2,chan3,_
setup bg option mosaic-delay=0
setup bg option mosaic-keep-picture

# Input options
new chan1 broadcast enabled
setup chan1 input "D:\\Commedia - Napoleon.Dynamite.XviD.mp3.ITA.dvdrip.avi"
setup chan1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=chan1,width=95,height=97},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=0},select=audio}

new chan2 broadcast enabled
setup chan2 input "D:\\Squadra Antimafia - Palermo Oggi moll.avi"
setup chan2 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=chan2,width=95,height=97},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1},select=audio}

new chan3 broadcast enabled
setup chan3 input "D:\\Valerie.Diario.Di.Una.Ninfomane.2008.iTALiAN.MD.DVDRip.XviD-SiLENT.avi"
setup chan3 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=chan3,width=95,height=97},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=2},select=audio}

# Launch everything
control bg play
control chan1 play
control chan2 play
control chan3 play

# end of mosaic batch

Maybe the problem can be AVI files???

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 18 May 2009 16:29
by vatastala
I resolved the problem using versione 0.8.6i, versione 0.9.9 doesn't work!!!

Now, VLC open a Window (Hardware YUV overlay DirectX outpu), and I can see my videos in mosaic.

I need to add a visual spectrum analyzer for every video, and in my .bat file I add this string:

@echo off
C:\programmi\VideoLAN\vlc\vlc.exe --color -I telnet --vlm-conf mosaic.vlm.conf --no-fullscreen --audio-visual=spectrum analyzer --ttl 12

But I can't see any spectrum analyzer, what can I do??? And finally, can you tell me how can I select one audio doing click in one video of the mosaic???

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 18 May 2009 18:34
by VLC_help
can you tell me how can I select one audio doing click in one video of the mosaic?
AFAIK that isn't possible.
But I can't see any spectrum analyzer, what can I do?
--audio-visual=spectrum analyzer not OK. If you have whitespace in names, you have to use "" around it. And the correct option is --audio-visual=visual --effect-list=spectrum

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 19 May 2009 11:04
by vatastala
Ok, thank you so much, now I can see my visual effects, but I see that VLC open different effect windows for every video I add in my mosaic. I finaly need the window with mosaic and another ONE window with effects, or, if it is possibile, can I see effects in the same window of mosaic???

If all of this is not possibile, I think in a web interface, where I can create a position for every video and itself effect, can you give me a guide or some examples to do this???

I post my code, thank you

C:\programmi\VideoLAN\vlc\vlc.exe --color -I telnet --vlm-conf mosaic.vlm.conf --no-fullscreen --audio-visual=visual --effect-list=spectrum --effect-width=250 --effect-height=250 --ttl 12

## HTTP interface mosaic wizard ##

# Comment the following line if you don't want to reset your VLM configuration
del all

# Background options
new bg broadcast enabled
setup bg input "fake:" option "fake-file=C:\Documents and Settings\Vito\Desktop\TEST\background.png"
setup bg option sub-filter=mosaic
setup bg output #bridge-in{offset=100}:display

# Mosaic options
setup bg option mosaic-alpha=255
setup bg option mosaic-height=600
setup bg option mosaic-width=800
setup bg option mosaic-align=5
setup bg option mosaic-xoffset=1
setup bg option mosaic-yoffset=1
setup bg option mosaic-vborder=10
setup bg option mosaic-hborder=10
setup bg option mosaic-position=1
setup bg option mosaic-rows=3
setup bg option mosaic-cols=3
setup bg option mosaic-order=input1,input2
setup bg option mosaic-delay=10
setup bg option mosaic-keep-picture

# Input options
new input1 broadcast enabled
setup input1 input "udp://@"
setup input1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=input1,width=200,height=200},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=0},select=audio}

new input2 broadcast enabled
setup input2 input "udp://@"
setup input2 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=input2,width=200,height=200},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1},select=audio}

# Launch everything
control bg play
control input1 play
control input2 play

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 19 May 2009 13:15
by vatastala
I modify my code in this way:

# Background options
new bg broadcast enabled
setup bg input "fake:" option "fake-file=C:\Documents and Settings\Vito\Desktop\TEST\background.png"
setup bg option sub-filter=mosaic
setup bg output #transcode{vcodec=mp1v,vb=4096,scale=1,sfilter=mosaic}:bridge-in{offset=100}:std{access=http,mux=mpeg1,dst=}

where is my IP address.

Opening the stream with http it works!!! Fantastic, but I need to open spectrum effect to by remote, how can I do this???

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 19 May 2009 15:40
by VLC_help
Fantastic, but I need to open spectrum effect to by remote, how can I do this???
So you need to open the spectrum effect on clients also?

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 19 May 2009 15:48
by vatastala
Yes, I need this feature, can you explain how can I activate it??? And how to associate a spectrum effect for every video of the mosaic???

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 20 May 2009 09:59
by vatastala
No one can help me???

Re: Help for VLC+Multiview noob

Posted: 20 May 2009 18:27
by VLC_help
I don't know if you can transcode visualizer

You can enable the visualizer on client side for example if you create .bat file that opens VLC.