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Loss of Functions When Skinned

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 12:12
by pantz
OK weird problems here,
when i skin vlc:
1. I lose right click in full screen mode (i.e. when i right click no menu shows up)
2. Volume wont go over 50% (200 i believe) also in full screen
probably others too but those are the ones that stop me fromm skinning. As there are some Great skins out there i'd like to use but with out these functions i use the blah default skin.
Any suggestions anyone?

BTW I'm on windows 7 beta, & vlc 0.9.9

Re: Loss of Functions When Skinned

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 14:06
by erwan10
- Problem 1 : it was a bug that is fixed with latest vlc1.0
- Problem 2 : Is this specific to skinned vlc ?


Re: Loss of Functions When Skinned

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 00:01
by pantz
- Problem 1 : it was a bug that is fixed with latest vlc1.0
- Problem 2 : Is this specific to skinned vlc ?

Thanks for the reply, dl'ing 1.0 as i type

as for problem 2 do you mean specific to vlc as a program or specific to the skin i use, the problem only occurs in vlc and its also in all the skins i'v tried so far (aprox 8-10 skins)

just installed 1.0 and still no right click function in full screen :(

Re: Loss of Functions When Skinned

Posted: 10 Apr 2009 02:23
by erwan10
Weird indeed, right click works for me with vlc 1.0.0 (skins mode) and fullscreen (both WinXP and Ubuntu).

As for volume, whether you use skins mode or qt4 mode, it should behave the same way. (but, I have not checked)
