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A problem with moving to new windows

Posted: 03 Apr 2009 02:59
by Loren Pechtel
This has been a problem with the more recent versions.

If I'm watching a movie on one screen and drag it to another it's always been a bit temperamental, sometimes the video goes blank until it's returned to it's original screen.

It's gotten much more obnoxious, however. These days if I drag a screen there's a good chance I end up with a frozen image, and if the video is a high def that goes clear across my 1280x1024 monitor the odds are virtually 100%.

Note that the program is *NOT* frozen, the movie continues to play but doesn't update it's screen.

If I pause the movie and move it the screen is still frozen but it's not as bad as maximizing it and then restoring it to normal appears to always get it back in operation. (Note that this is done while it's still paused.)

Re: A problem with moving to new windows

Posted: 03 Apr 2009 10:37
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Deactivate Overlay.

Re: A problem with moving to new windows

Posted: 03 Apr 2009 16:58
by Loren Pechtel
Deactivate Overlay.
That does it. What's the problem?

Re: A problem with moving to new windows

Posted: 04 Apr 2009 15:36
by VLC_help
You can only have one Overlay. So you can't have overlay on both desktops.

Re: A problem with moving to new windows

Posted: 04 Apr 2009 16:27
by Loren Pechtel
You can only have one Overlay. So you can't have overlay on both desktops.
Obviously--you only see the image on whatever monitor has most of it. The problem is that when you move it to a new monitor it generally doesn't work on the new monitor. I think there must be a bug in the code for moving to the new overlay.

Re: A problem with moving to new windows

Posted: 05 Apr 2009 14:01
by VLC_help
Most display devices only support Overlay on primary monitor. So on multimonitor setup the best option is to disable it.

Re: A problem with moving to new windows

Posted: 05 Apr 2009 15:59
by Loren Pechtel
Most display devices only support Overlay on primary monitor. So on multimonitor setup the best option is to disable it.
The overlays work on all monitors in my system--with it turned on I can run VLC on any screen without difficulty. The problem comes from trying to move it from one to another. This has always been a bit iffy but now it's nearly impossible without jumping through hoops.