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wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 01 Apr 2009 09:25
by claurita
When setting a 16 bits depth resolution in the video card, colours in VLC are totally wrong.
Using 32 bits video modes, there are no problems.
I tried it on many machines (with a wide range of video cards) and Windows versions (2k, xph, xpp) getting always the same result.
The standard test I make is playing a DVD (not always the same, the one I find where I'm doing the test), but occasionally, I tested also other video formats.
It happens only in 0.9.x, as previous versions used to work fine.
I tried a huge amount of VLC settings (maybe all the possible), but nothing changes.

I tried to register on trac to post a bug report, but isn't reachable so I cannot be validated.
Hope that someone could tell me if I'm the only one in the world experimenting this behaviour, or at least help me to join the trac.

Claudio Laurita

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 01 Apr 2009 10:37
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
VLC video output being?

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 03 Apr 2009 22:16
by claurita
Sorry j-b, I haven't understood the question.
Do you need to know what output module I use?
Usually DirectX, but I tried everything.

And excuse me for the delay in the answer. I was waiting for an email, but I forgot to subscribe.

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 04 Apr 2009 15:57
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Fill a bug.

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 04 Apr 2009 17:03
by claurita
I'd like to, but I'm not able to.
I registered on the trac, but nobody validates me.
I have no irc client and web interface has been out of order for many days.
Is there another way to report a bug?
I hoped that this forum could be a good place to try to make the problem visible to the community anyway.
Thank you for your attention.

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 04 Apr 2009 19:17
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
give us the trac name?

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 05 Apr 2009 13:09
by claurita
I used exactly the same credentials of this forum.
User: claurita
Thank you for everything

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 06 Apr 2009 17:46
by random
works fine here on vista and vlc-1.0.0-git
when setting vout module to directx and display adapter to 16bit mode

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 07 Apr 2009 13:13
by claurita
This is a good new.
I haven't 1.0 yet.
I tried only official releases and the 0.9.10-git from the nightly builds.
Where can I get the 1.0 to try it?

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 07 Apr 2009 15:16
by VLC_help

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 08 Apr 2009 14:47
by claurita
Thank you very much.
Ok, I got 1.0
But it acted exactly like 0.9.x.
So I started over with all my tests again and discovered something more.
I always work with overlay disabled by dxdiag, as I do need this setting, but this has always been ok in 0.8.x
Re-enabling overlay in dxdiag, VLC effectively works fine when video output is set to DirectX, as Random told me.
It doesn't work if set to GDI.
Evidently, disabling overlay in dxdiag, ends up in forcing directx to use GDI, so changing output module in VLC has no practical effect and I made tons of useless tests.
Anyway, now I can be more precise about "wrong" colours. Simply, red and blue are inverted. I discovered it by making an AVI (coding RV24) from a jpg with 3 rectangles filled with RGB 255,0,0 - 0,255,0 - 0,0,255.
The red and blue rectangles are inverted in VLC.
But there is more.
Surprisingly, this AVI plays well in 0.9.9 (but not in 1.0.0 sharing the same settings), while a VOB with coding mpgv shows inverted R-B in both.
I hope this could help focusing the problem.
Again, thank you for your attention.

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 21:50
by VLC_help
Could you share one file that show wrong colors in 1.0.0 builds?

Re: wrong colours with 16 bits colour depth

Posted: 14 Apr 2009 20:04
by claurita

If you set output to GDI, red and blue rectangles are inverted.

Since I finally succeeded in posting a topic in trac (thank you for your help) there I tried to publish a detailed table of the last tests made (ticket #2639).
I don't know if it's really readable (I've done my best), but the point is that I noticed not only differences between 0.9.10 and 1.0, but also between 2k and xp.
In particular, 1.0 seems ok on xp, but not on 2k (drivers up to date and directx 9.0c). My first try was on 2k, that's why I said that nothing changed from 0.9. Sorry. I don't believe it's a matter of video card for 2k as I tried both with an NVIDIA and an ATI.
Anyway, on xp, 1.0 crashes playing the avi version with output set to directx and overlay enabled.

In the next days I'll try on other machines and I'll report the results.