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Streaming from pc to satellite receiver (dreambox) problem

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 01:49
by pcd

I am trying to use vlc 0.9.8a for streaming media to a Dreambox satellite receiver with a plugin in the receiver. With vlc 0.8.6a everything is fine.

With the 0.9.8a the vlc can be controlled - I can stop, pause and play a file with dst=:9090/dboxstream. I can see the streaming continue (i.e the slider moves along) and I can also playback the video with another instance of vlc with the network url http://pc-ip:9090/dboxstream.

But the stream cannot be accessed by the receiver plugin. By debugging the plugin I notice that a socket is created with pc-ip and port 9090 - but there is no http Response to the Request "GET /dboxstream /HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" using that socket. No response at all - not even any error code.

I have tried giving (in the Request) the full path - http://pc-ip:9090/dboxstream and also http/1.1. Same result.

Obviouly the Request is wrong ! Could someone please advise what the correct Request will be ?

p.s. I have edited the 2 .hosts files to include the pc-ip and dreambox ip.

Regards, pcd.

Re: Streaming from pc to satellite receiver (dreambox) problem

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 11:01
by pcd
Sorry - silly mistake - /HTTP/1.0 should be HTTP/1.0 !

Please ignore post.

Re: Streaming from pc to satellite receiver (dreambox) problem

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 17:50
by EvilGhozt
Which Plugin and Operative System are you using? If Win XP maybe you have forgot to open port 8080? or whatever port number you are using...
If you are using VLCF in your dreambox you may have to config vlcf.xml and set the "startdir" to "c:\" else it wont work.

Re: Streaming from pc to satellite receiver (dreambox) problem

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 19:25
by pcd
Please see my last post. It was a mistake in the code !

Re: Streaming from pc to satellite receiver (dreambox) problem

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 19:50
by EvilGhozt
okey :D great!

Which plugin are you using? Im just curious ;)

Re: Streaming from pc to satellite receiver (dreambox) problem

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 21:59
by pcd
YoutubeplayerE1. It works ok with vlc 0.8.6a. I was trying to make it usable with vlc 0.9.8. :)

Re: Streaming from pc to satellite receiver (dreambox) problem

Posted: 28 Mar 2009 05:38
by SciFi-Bob
I've been trying for several years to get the newer versions of VLC to be able to communicate with the dreambox plugins, without luck.
It seems that they changed something in the protocol after the 0.8.6 version, so my advice is to keep to the 0.8.6 version if it works for you.

Btw., my dreambox is Enigma1 (DB7000)

Re: Streaming from pc to satellite receiver (dreambox) problem

Posted: 28 Mar 2009 12:45
by pcd
Hi Bob,

It can be done - but in the plugin the commands like 'play' have to be changed to 'pl_playid' etc for vlc 0.9.8. The command syntax are given in the vlc program folder in /http/requests and readme.

I managed to make a YoutubeplayerE1 plugin for enigma1 usable with vlc 0.9.8 (see here) :- ... did=107618

You may try this. It uses vlc for streaming youtube videos.

Regards, pcd.