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Capture device from virtual camera devices

Posted: 21 Feb 2009 16:43
by Phil2k
I have a problem with capturing the device and at least displaying it:
The colours are messed up ( red and blue are switched ).

This is happening when I capture de device from Splitcam ( ), or TrackerCam ( ).
I tryed everything from the FAQ of VLC ( ... _output.3F ), but it didn't worked:
- I disabled the option "Overlay video output" from Tools->Preferences->Video
- I tryed each Video Output Module ( DirectX, DirectX 3D, OpenGL, VideoMemory & Windows GDI video ), enabling and dissabling on each their options (ex.DirectX: Use Hardware YUV-RGB conversions, ... ).

I even tryed to switch the Windows display colors depth from 32 to 16 bits ( like one sayed from this forum ).
It seems that nothing worked :(

I tryed on 3 different computers ( 2 with Windows XP, 1 with Windows Vista ), with 3 web cameras ( Hercules Deluxe, Logitech Sphere & Creative PD1030 ).

The problem occurs only, when I use a virtual device for capturing ...
Also it seems that when I stream it, not only to display it, the colors are messed up ( green-gray faces, red & blue replaced ) :(

Please give me and advice, because I need a solution to play the camera localy and in the same time to stream it.

Re: Capture device from virtual camera devices

Posted: 21 Feb 2009 18:54
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
try to force the chroma to RV24

Re: Capture device from virtual camera devices

Posted: 21 Feb 2009 19:06
by Phil2k
try to force the chroma to RV24
Nothing changed ... same problem with colors messed up :(

The paramaters that I use for VLC (0.9.8a Grishenko):

Code: Select all

dshow:// :dshow-vdev="SplitCam Capture" :dshow-adev="" :dshow-caching=200 :dshow-size="320x240" :dshow-chroma="RV24" :dshow-fps=30 :no-dshow-config :no-dshow-tuner :file-caching=10 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=800,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=std{access=mmsh,mux=asf,dst=:1234}}

Re: Capture device from virtual camera devices

Posted: 21 Feb 2009 21:57
by Phil2k
The people from SplitCamera forum also didn't find a solution:

My assumption it's that the problem might be between WDM of SplitCam and the VLC ...
I found out that some people had the same problem but with the video-source from a file, not a capture-device :( Might be a bug in VLC ?

Re: Capture device from virtual camera devices

Posted: 21 Feb 2009 23:10
by basos
Hello, this time im trying to rework some issues with the dshow plugin.
One of them is the observed inconsistency for chroma/width/height values setup in vlc configuration panels and the ones that are used indeed from the inderlying direct show video capture filter. What im saying is that these parameters that are set from vlc are NOT the same as the capture video filter takes into account. [This might not be true for all capture filters. That's for investigation. I'm talking about tuner/composite-in capture pci modules]

So, why don't you try to open the divice with dshow-config enabled and try to setup yr device chroma(or fourcc) from the video filter panels that should open.

Please post the number and especially the content of the direct show panels shown as well as if you had a success with any combination of parameters.



Posted: 21 Feb 2009 23:51
by Phil2k
So, why don't you try to open the divice with dshow-config enabled and try to setup yr device chroma(or fourcc) from the video filter panels that should open.

Please post the number and especially the content of the direct show panels shown as well as if you had a success with any combination of parameters.
Sorry basos, but still doesn't work.
Indead it shows me a panel with Proprieties of device ( SplitCam Capture ):

- Video Standard: NTSC_M, PAL_B, PAL_D, PAL_M & PAL_N
- VCR Input
- Output Enable.

When I select NTSC_M or PAL_B I can set some later values:
Video Format:
- Frame Rate: 30.000
- Color Space / Compresion: RGB 24
( only this it's shown to be selected :( )
- Output Size: 320x240...
- I Frame Interval: 15
- P Frame Interval: 3
- Quality: 0.500

With PAL_D, PAL_M & PAL_N, I can't select/change nothing from above.

It's there a way that I can "trick" this chroma and make WDM of SplitCam "kiss" with VLC ?

Re: Capture device from virtual camera devices

Posted: 22 Feb 2009 01:18
by basos
Thanks for the reply.

Yes that's what i was talking about. In my system (with capture card) only in some Video standards (PAL_B is one of them) the next panel with video format spits. But in my case color space has more options.
When you say "only this it's shown to be selected " you mean that there aren't any other choices available ? If this is the case then things might be difficult. As another try, set the vlc fourcc to the same value as direct show input filter (e.g. rgb24)

Anyway i'll investigate if there are other conflicts with chroma selection mess.

Re: Capture device from virtual camera devices

Posted: 22 Feb 2009 18:05
by Phil2k
Yes that's what i was talking about. In my system (with capture card) only in some Video standards (PAL_B is one of them) the next panel with video format spits. But in my case color space has more options.
When you say "only this it's shown to be selected " you mean that there aren't any other choices available ? If this is the case then things might be difficult. As another try, set the vlc fourcc to the same value as direct show input filter (e.g. rgb24)
Anyway i'll investigate if there are other conflicts with chroma selection mess.
Yes, in "Color Space / Compression", it's a drop-down menu, but with only one option to select: RGB 24.
What are you refering by "vlc fourcc" ?
By "direct show input filter" I assume you mean: in Open Capture Device menu -> Advanced options -> Video Input Chroma format. But there I tryed some values, and the only one that VLC accepts, it's "RV24" :(

Btw... can you please see that you have the same problem or not, by installing a SplitCam for your capture device and see that you have the same problem or not ?

Re: Capture device from virtual camera devices

Posted: 26 Feb 2009 04:55
by basos
Hello, i found sthing.

It seems that the problem is in some vlc chroma convertions.
We are testing ...