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EQ settings lost when launching MP3's

Posted: 25 Dec 2008 08:20
by ttyR2
Is there a way to have VLC leave the EQ turned on by default and use the custom settings I've set up with the slider GUI? Every time I launch an MP3 the EQ turns off and I have to re-enable it.

Re: EQ settings lost when launching MP3's

Posted: 25 Dec 2008 20:13
by VLC_help
Extended settings always resets EQ settings when new playlist item is opened. I sent patch to mailing list that fixes this, hopefully it will be merged at some point.

Re: EQ settings lost when launching MP3's

Posted: 26 Dec 2008 11:13
by pramodbhaskar
Hi, I have recently joined the forum
Is there a link for the patch? can you resend the patch?