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liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 07 Dec 2008 00:39
by BenBE
When playing back MKV video files with VLC 0.9.4 as well as 0.9.6 (also present in 0.9.8 nightly build 20081206-0217) I get a crash message (Access Violation, read of 0x0 in msvcrt.dll[strnicmp] that is caused by a call from liblibass_plugin.dll. I'm missing exact symbol information so I can't provide a full call stack ATM.
Disabling the said plugin solves the issue of VLC crashing. I tested with Win2K and WinXP, both times the same problem.
If you could provide me with (plaintext) MAP-Files for the mentioned module or TD32-Debug Information I could dig into this a bit deeper ...
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 07 Dec 2008 15:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Sample ?
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 07 Dec 2008 19:22
by VLC_help
And did you try with VLC 1.0.0 ?
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 08 Dec 2008 13:27
by BenBE
VLC 1.0.0 Nightly of that day didn't start (hung after loading some modules, didn't show main window, tested on Win2K) so I couldn't test.
I'm working on reducing the sample size, as the original is about 175 MB ...
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 12 Dec 2008 17:20
by herojoker
I got the file from BenBE and extracted the subtitles (Advanced SSA) and found out the exact character which causes the crash: It seems the character after "Original Work" and before "Original Story/Supervision" hasn't been encoded properly.
I've uploaded the line which causes the crash, together with a corrected version below it.
To make sure no re-encoding is done (by the server or your download client) I've packed the file in a zip.
Here it is:
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 12 Dec 2008 17:57
by BenBE
Latest VLC Nightly Build 1.0.0-git-20081212-0005-win32debug doesn't crash with that file, but complains about a missing audio\video decoder 'undf'. 0.9.x series played the file correct (in regards to sound playback). In some occasions I had VLC hang (main window) but I'm not sure how to exactly reproduce this.
EDIT: Links removed
@herojoker: thx for your affort!
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 12 Dec 2008 20:53
by VLC_help
That sample doesn't crash my 0.9.8a
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 12 Dec 2008 21:07
by herojoker
My 0.9.8a on WinXP SP2 simply quits after ~10s.
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 13 Dec 2008 22:07
by VLC_help
herojoker: you downloaded 0.9.8a from mirror? Because mine plays the full file without issues.
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 13 Dec 2008 23:18
by BenBE
Well, it would all be easier, when you had debug information for all your releases so people could tell some more details for bugs.
@VLC_help: Just downloaded a fresh copy from the official mirrors and 0.9.8a crashes; just the same as previous versions do too ...
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 14 Dec 2008 17:49
by VLC_help
You can download debug builds from nightlies (all trunks should have them).;O=D
Re: liblibass_plugin crash on MKV playback
Posted: 14 Dec 2008 22:07
by BenBE
I know, but no trunk build plays the file even nearly as correct as the branch builds did, thus testing with trunk is futile. I'll monitor on them though and tell as soon as I can give more details, though given the hint by herojoker you should at least have a starting point for the devs.