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FFMPEG - H264 - X264 - OS: Windows - V0.9.6 crippled!

Posted: 11 Nov 2008 10:24
by rwunsch
Hi all,

while trying to stream my camera to WOWZA via VLC i ran into following Error Message:

Code: Select all

*** Your FFMPEG installation is crippled. *** *** Please check with your FFMPEG packager. *** *** This is NOT a VLC media player issue. ***
I use following configuration from the command shell:

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vlc -vvv --reset-config --file-logging --logfile="c:/vlc.log" --logmode=text --verbose=2 -I dummy dshow://:dshow-vdev="QuickCam Pro for Notebooks" :dshow-adev="Logitech Mic-Pro for Notebooks" :dshow-size="320x240" :dshow-fps=15 :dshow-caching=100 vlc:quit --sout "#transcode{vcodec=x264,vb=168,width=320,height=240,deinterlace,acodec=mp4a,ab=64,samplerate=44100,channels=1}:rtp{dst=,port=10000,port-video=9996,port-audio=9998,name="TestStream",sdp=file://%WMSCONFIG_HOME%/content/vlc.sdp}"
Do you guys have any idea what could be wrong?
Which .dll contains the FFMPEG?
Where can I get a different version?

Thanks in advance!


Re: FFMPEG - H264 - X264 - OS: Windows - V0.9.6 crippled!

Posted: 11 Nov 2008 12:16
by VLC_help
You have to wait for next official release. Does it work any better if you don't transcode audio with mp4a?