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Songs added to playlist in random order

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 03:40
by pyr0man99
I'm not sure why, but when I select songs in explorer and press "Add to VLC media player's playlist" or "Play with VLC," the songs appear in random order in the playlist. I've never set any of the random options, and I checked the preferences just in case. I've tried reinstalling and that didn't help. My songs are set to play in order by title, and clicking the title bar in the playlist doesn't sort it into the proper order. It does this with all of my music, even when the track numbers and titles are correct in the metadata. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I don't like WMP :(

Re: Songs added to playlist in random order

Posted: 29 Oct 2008 14:14
by VLC_help
Images don't work. Are those songs added in correct order if you add them command line with --no-random option.
for example:

Code: Select all

c:\software\vlc\vlc.exe --no-random d:\music\song01.mp3 d:\music\song03.mp3 d:\music\song02.mp3 d:\music\song04.mp3

Re: Songs added to playlist in random order

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 06:37
by pyr0man99
Command line works :), I have no idea why it won't in explorer though. Sorry about the images.

Re: Songs added to playlist in random order

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 19:38
by VLC_help
If you have some skills, you could add --no-random to file association and shell extension options and see if that helps.

Re: Songs added to playlist in random order

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 22:48
by pyr0man99
I think I found part of the problem. Upon a fresh install of VLC (I double checked to make sure it was set to associate with all file types), I ran a file extension tool and found that VLC was associated with all the types it should be EXCEPT for .mp3, for which there was no entry whatsoever. I tried to manually add one (with admin privileges) with the settings shown in the picture, but it would just disappear after closing the program. However, under XP on my other machine, the entry for .mp3 files is present, and adding --no-random to the action call fixed the problem.
