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Problems using Logo with orientation.

Posted: 23 Oct 2008 17:17
by topolittle
Hi everyone,

I use the Logo feature and it work as expected when I use it alone, but when combined with the transform filer (ex: transform-type=90), the logo is displayed twice.

Any idea?

Re: Problems using Logo with orientation.

Posted: 24 Oct 2008 12:12
by VLC_help
You apply it from command-line? or from GUI?

Re: Problems using Logo with orientation.

Posted: 24 Oct 2008 16:30
by topolittle
Using version 0.9.2, 0.9.3 or 0.9.4,
I Have the same issue with the GUI and by calling the libs.

In the GUI,
For the transform filter:
Tools -> Preferences (Show settings: [ALL]) -> Video-> Filters
Video transformation filter "checked"
Under filters -> transformation - Transform Type: Rotate by 90 defrees
For the Logo:
Tools -> Preferences (Show settings: [ALL]) -> Video-> Subtitles/OSD
Under Overlay/Subpictures filter module, Logo sub filter "checked"
Under Subtitles/OSD -> Logo overlay
Filename : any .png files
X Coordinate:0
y Coordinate: 0
Logo individual image time in ms : 1000
Logo animation # of loops: -1
Transparency of the logo: 128
Logo Position: Bottom Right

This you will have a logo in the bottom right AND in the upper right (It is like the logo filter is being processed 2 times; one at 0 degrees and one at 90 degrees)

And using code, my argument list is created this way:

Code: Select all

Dim argv() As String = {"-I", "--dummy-quiet", "--ignore-config", "--vout=direct3d", "--no-video-title-show"} If RtspCaching > 0 And Filename.ToUpper.StartsWith("RTSP") Then Dim intL As Int32 = argv.Length ReDim Preserve argv(intL) argv(intL) = "--rtsp-caching=" & CStr(RtspCaching) End If If Orientation > 0 Then Dim intL As Int32 = argv.Length ReDim Preserve argv(intL + 1) argv(intL) = "--vout-filter=transform" argv(intL + 1) = "--transform-type=" & CStr(Orientation) Else Dim intL As Int32 = argv.Length ReDim Preserve argv(intL + 1) argv(intL) = "--vout-filter=" argv(intL + 1) = "--transform-type=" & CStr(Orientation) End If If _ShowLogo Then Dim intL As Int32 = argv.Length ReDim Preserve argv(intL + 3) Dim strA As String = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory argv(intL) = "--logo-file=" & strA & "player_logo.png" argv(intL + 1) = "--logo-position=10" argv(intL + 2) = "--logo-transparency=128" argv(intL + 3) = "--sub-filter=logo" Else Dim intL As Int32 = argv.Length ReDim Preserve argv(intL) argv(intL) = "--sub-filter=" End If

Re: Problems using Logo with orientation.

Posted: 25 Oct 2008 16:45
by VLC_help