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One small problem, one bigber problem

Posted: 14 Oct 2008 04:44
by Earthshker
Small problem first, how do I set up vlc player to remember what directory to look in when I open media? it keeps looking in the wrong place, then I have to go to where I want to go to open media, takes extra time.
Now the bigger question, I have a mov file and a converted from mov to mpg file, all settings for size and aspect radio are the same, but when I open the mov file it is fine and fills the vlc window, when I open the mpeg file I get a black border on the bottom and the right side of the window, this carries on into my video editor where I can fix it but, that also takes more time than I really want to spend.

Re: One small problem, one bigber problem

Posted: 14 Oct 2008 09:41
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I will fix the small problem soon.
Bigger problem, just crop it!