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How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 11 Oct 2008 20:55
by DjDiabolik
Hi boys, i'm italian and sorry in advance for my English.

I have some trouble with this fantastic programs..... i want to create a steaming from my pc (in my rooms) to my Notebook (connect to a TV in another rooms).

I have found some solution on the home page:
And i have read this PDF: ... wto-en.pdf

My PC (windows XP Sp3) and the notebook it's connected by a Router (The notebook it's connected by a 54g wireless).... i have try this solution:
1) On my pc i have chose a .avi xvid file.......
2) Set the other option -> Output -> HTTP -> and i have put the adress of my PC ( and i port (Ex. 12345)
3) On my notebook i have chose to open to open a Networking and i have put the adrees of my PC... at this point i can't select the port of streaming... it's normal ??

Ok..... the streaming start.... but i can't obtain a complete stream..... the plays of the file on my notebook stop after some time and in different point similar when file finished.... because ???
I have disabled all firewall..... all antivirus..... and all internet connection in all two pc but nothing append....... can you explain me to found a solution ?

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 13 Oct 2008 14:17
by VLC_help
If you use VLC 0.9.4, those docs are somewhat outdated.

You can insert port to URL, like

Tools -> Messages... (set Verbose to 2) gives you more info about the issue.

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 14 Oct 2008 23:26
by DjDiabolik
If you use VLC 0.9.4, those docs are somewhat outdated.

You can insert port to URL, like

Tools -> Messages... (set Verbose to 2) gives you more info about the issue.
Oh..... it's true..... some documents it's outdated.

But for a private streaming it better use the HTTP Protocol or another protocol ???
I have found (after some prove) i small solution but in the client i have some cutting scene..... similar a wrong buffer......

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 14:27
by VLC_help
There really isn't any best protocol. They each have some pros and cons. If you have some limitations or needs (like router or port limits), please tell :D

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 16 Oct 2008 03:04
by DjDiabolik
There really isn't any best protocol. They each have some pros and cons. If you have some limitations or needs (like router or port limits), please tell :D
Oh aspect..... i have a router.... and my PC and my Notebook it's connected by a router..... if i use a portforwarded port in router i can obtain a better streaming (in all two pc i haven't have a firewall) ??? i need to portforwarding a determinate port (the port selected for streaming on my PC) for all two ip (My pc and notebook) or not ?? if true i have some trouble because, ok, my pc have a static ip on router but the notebook connected by wi-fi have a IP assigned by DHCP and it's no ever the same ip.........

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 16 Oct 2008 15:41
by VLC_help
If you want to stream to internet, then you need to do port forwarding. If you just want to stream inside your home network, no need for port forwarding.

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 16 Oct 2008 21:54
by DjDiabolik
If you want to stream to internet, then you need to do port forwarding. If you just want to stream inside your home network, no need for port forwarding.
Oh no no, for now i need only to make a streaming from my PC to muy notebook :)

Ok i have found some solution in the outdated document.... i can use the UDP protocol for a make streaming to a single IP and i put the ip of my notebook it's connected to router.

On Notebook i need to input the ip and the port selected from my PC (the ip of noteboook) and the streaming open successfully but i can't obtain a continuos play........ when i try to watch .avi some time i have so much pixel problems similar a cut frames... because ??
I try to use a cache with 120000 ms (2 minutes ok ?) but same result...........

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 17 Oct 2008 00:20
by DjDiabolik
Sorry for double post but 5 minutes ago i finish to watch a .avi on a notebook.. i have set this streaming:

Server -> My PC with XP Pro Sp3.... Ip connected by LAN
Client -> A Notebook with Xp Pro Sp2... Ip assigned by DHCP and connected by Wi-Fi
The Server & Client it's connected by a router Alice W-gate Plus Wi-Fi.. the Notebook it's a 5/10 meter from router.. the signal it's excellent and the speed it's 54g.

On the server i have start the streaming....... using UDP protocol to port 5600 and i have choose to otherwise to open the .avi locally, on client i have open this streaming.

During the film on my PC nothing problems but on client i have some problems similar a packet lost or frame skip..... with an half hour of vision i have this problems 5 or 6 times and it's impossible to watch a film :(

But I do not know if the packets lost it's the real problem..... how i can verify ?? I have make the streaming with another protocol i can resolve this problems ??

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 17 Oct 2008 08:14
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Add more caching.

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 17 Oct 2008 11:31
by DjDiabolik
Add more caching.
I have try with a lot value of caching......... from the original 300 ms to 240000 ms (4 minutes) or 600000 ms (ten minutes) but same result every time.

P.S. i have noticed this... VLC use the caching value in ms but some other player (mplayer in primis) have the cache size in bytes..... Not that VLC have wrong currency or value ?

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 17 Oct 2008 19:25
by VLC_help
VLC is more stream orientated than other players. Cache size as bytes would be kind of useless when bitrates varies a lot. And if you watch some low bitrate AVI, WLAN speed shouldn't be a problem. And you can use Tools -> Messages... (set Verbosity to 2) to find out possible errors/warnings.

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 18 Oct 2008 19:15
by DjDiabolik
VLC is more stream orientated than other players. Cache size as bytes would be kind of useless when bitrates varies a lot. And if you watch some low bitrate AVI, WLAN speed shouldn't be a problem. And you can use Tools -> Messages... (set Verbosity to 2) to find out possible errors/warnings.
I need to use the Verbosity on client ? What vlc save the log file ?

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 19 Oct 2008 13:17
by VLC_help
If you want all debug information, set Verbosity to 2. Log is pushed to messages, so you can just copy&paste it.

Re: How i can set a Streaming ? I try but i can't do...

Posted: 19 Oct 2008 14:08
by DjDiabolik
If you want all debug information, set Verbosity to 2. Log is pushed to messages, so you can just copy&paste it.
Ok... at the next Film i try to watch i set the Verbosity to 2 on my PC (The server) and on my Notebook (The client).