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start video flip from command line

Posted: 10 Oct 2008 12:49
by kairno
hi, me again... my problem now is that i have a flipped picture i need to stream... well... one out of 8 total the details :

i'm starting the vlc player from the command line, is there a way to set it to show a certain image flipped {rotated 180 degrees vertical} and then start one normally without having 2 separate vlc folders, one for the flipped image one for the normal one ?

Re: start video flip from command line

Posted: 10 Oct 2008 15:24
by VLC_help
Yes. You can run two VLC instances from .bat file after each other.

Code: Select all

vlc.exe c:\test.avi --vout-filter=transform --transform-type=vflip vlc://quit vlc.exe c:\test2.avi
(at least that should work in 0.8.6)
but for streaming/transcoding that isn't best option because there will be two different VLC's that doesn't have combined output.

Re: start video flip from command line

Posted: 10 Oct 2008 15:39
by kairno
please explain what you mean by "combined output".. i need each vlc to run independend and stream from a different source

Re: start video flip from command line

Posted: 11 Oct 2008 21:04
by VLC_help
If you need one continuous stream, that option won't work.