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JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 08:43
by Gonzalez
Hi ,

I download jvlc-core-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT-20080727.jar from

I have installed VLC 0.9.2 , i try to do a test but i can't get it work

Code: Select all

java -classpath jvlc-core-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT-20080727.jar -Djna.library.path="C:/Program Files/VideoLAN /VLC/plugins" org.videolan.jvlc.example.VLCExample == Starting VLCExample == Creating a JVLC instance without argsException in thread "main" java.lang.Unsati sfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'libvlc': No se puede encontrar el mĀ¾dulo especificado. at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.loadLibrary( at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.getInstance( at com.sun.jna.Library$Handler.<init>( at com.sun.jna.Native.loadLibrary( at com.sun.jna.Native.loadLibrary( at org.videolan.jvlc.internal.LibVlc.<clinit>( at org.videolan.jvlc.JVLC.<init>( at org.videolan.jvlc.example.VLCExample.main(

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 13:15
by XYBeR
you have a path problem. run it from "C:/Program Files/VideoLAN/VLC/"

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 17:31
by Gonzalez
I copy jvlc-core-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT-20080727.jar in same directory as VLC and i get this :

Code: Select all

== Starting VLCExample == Creating a JVLC instance without args[00000001] main libvlc debug: VLC media pla yer - version 0.9.2 Grishenko - (c) 1996-2008 the VideoLAN team [00000001] main libvlc debug: libvlc was configured with ./configure '--host=i5 86-mingw32msvc' '--build=i386-linux' '--enable-mkv' '--enable-release' '--withou t-contrib' '--enable-nls' '--enable-shared-libvlc' '--enable-update-check' '--en able-lua' '--enable-faad' '--enable-flac' '--enable-theora' '--enable-twolame' ' --enable-quicktime' '--enable-real' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-ffmpeg' '--wit h-ffmpeg-mp3lame' '--with-ffmpeg-faac' '--with-ffmpeg-config-path=/usr/win32/bin ' '--with-ffmpeg-zlib' '--enable-live555' '--with-live555-tree=/usr/win32/live.c om' '--ena [00000001] main libvlc debug: translation test: code is "C" [00000001] main libvlc error: no memcpy module matched "any" [00000007] main access error: no access module matched "file" [00000006] main input error: open of `file/xspf-open://C:\Documents and Settings \user\Datos de programa\vlc\ml.xspf' failed: could not create access: no access mo dule matched "file" [00000010] main interface error: no interface module matched "hotkeys,none" [00000010] main interface error: no suitable interface module [00000001] main libvlc error: interface "hotkeys,none" initialization failed ... done. [00000013] main access error: no access module matched "any" [00000011] main input error: open of `/home/carone/apps/a.avi' failed: could not create access: no access module matched "any" log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.videolan.jvlc.event.Media PlayerCallback). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. An error has occurred.
How to use jvlc-core-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT-20080727.jar in other path ? And as library in Eclipse or Netbeans?


Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 22:40
by XYBeR
if you use netbeans, set:
project properties/run/working directory to "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\"
and vm options to -Djna.library.path="C:/Program Files/VideoLAN/VLC/plugins"

(in eclipse is really the same)

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 22 Sep 2008 16:26
by othon2000

You can also run the command:
NativeLibrary.addSearchPath("libvlc", PATH_WHERE_THE_JVLC_DLLS_ARE);
NativeLibrary.addSearchPath("jvlc", PATH_WHERE_THE_JVLC_DLLS_ARE);

But you'll proably get the same problem as me.
The "original" vlc binaries doesn't seem compatible with JVLC, which requires the jvlc.dll and a libvlc.dll that appears to be VERY different from the one that comes with VLC, as the libvlc that comes with VLC has ~ 100KB and the libvlc.dll that comes with the JVLC version I have has ~ 1,6 MB.

Right now I gave up finding a pair of jvlc_jar / jvlc_dlls (or .so) and I'm trying to build a previous version of vlc under Linux on my own, but still no success...

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 22 Sep 2008 21:44
by XYBeR

i downloaded a fresh install of vlc for windows ( ... -win32.exe) and it works with those jvlc.jar which i compiled from git source. without any dll. theres is no jvlc.dll (what is it?)

maybe you are need a complete, buildable, working example of jvlc? if i have a little time, i can give to you

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 24 Sep 2008 11:45
by fstani

I'm having similar problems making this thing run at all.

All the files I've downloaded I can't seem to make them run with java... (I'm using JDK 1.5.0_16, for project compatibility reasons).

The only zip that somewhat worked is the, which came with a vlc.exe file that brought up a command line interface.

I would really appreciate some help in this matter, there are a handful of people that seem to have gotten jVLC up and running.

I know it's a lot to ask, but maybe if we trade the information we can create a step by step guide for future reference.

What I noticed in the zips and tars I've downloaded is that most of the documentation is outdated (some win32 versions have a README that says that jVLC doesn't work under windows).

My main goal is to get it up and running under Linux, so if it won't work that's ok.

My specs: Ubuntu 8.04.1 Hardy, JDK 1.5.0_16, VLC 0.9.2, jVLC (0.0.8 and 0.0.9, both binary and source files).

Any help is greatly appreaciated.

Best Regards,

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 24 Sep 2008 21:48
by Gonzalez
Any solutions to make JVLC works?

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 26 Sep 2008 23:45
by BexX
It does work on windows, but as xyber mentioned you have to adjust your path to enable jvlc/jna to find the libvlc libaries and you need to specify the path to the plugins' dir, to enable libvlc to find the plugins. Setting -Djna.library.path does not work for me.

To run the example from a console:

Code: Select all

set PATH=%PATH%;path\to\vlc java -cp jvlc-snapshot[...].jar org.videolan.example.VLCExample --plugins-path="path\to\vlc\plugins"
In Eclipse you can add the path to run configuration in the enviroment tab and again you need to pass --plugins-path to the JVLC Consturctor.

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 29 Sep 2008 20:38
by XYBeR
as i promised here is a working example: enjoy ;-)

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 29 Sep 2008 21:03
by Gonzalez
as i promised here is a working example: enjoy ;-)
It works. I will take look at source code to learn how to make it works.


Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 29 Sep 2008 23:18
by Gonzalez
You can also run the command:
NativeLibrary.addSearchPath("libvlc", PATH_WHERE_THE_JVLC_DLLS_ARE);
NativeLibrary.addSearchPath("jvlc", PATH_WHERE_THE_JVLC_DLLS_ARE);
I put this code inside the VLC example and doesn't work and also try System.setProperty("jna.library.path",PATH_WHERE_THE_JVLC_DLLS_ARE) and i get

Code: Select all

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'libvlc'
It only works if i set working directory in Netbeans project , Is there any way to set jna library search path dinamically?

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 30 Sep 2008 01:10
by Jossnaz
i posted a jvlc how to some time ago already... viewtopic.php?f=14&t=47912

still: great work, everybody back up that example rar.

unsatisfied link means path is wrong or some other environment problem.

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 30 Sep 2008 04:25
by Jossnaz
[moved to own post]

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 30 Sep 2008 15:49
by Gonzalez
as i promised here is a working example: enjoy ;-)
I see that if you open a video file , then stops and open other video file , the VLC example always play the same video file (the first you choose).

Any way to play the other file?

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 30 Sep 2008 16:28
by XYBeR
You could construct a playlist. This is not exists in my example. I don't have time now for to do this because i'm working for money ;-)

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 23 Feb 2009 06:44
by viewport
you have a path problem. run it from "C:/Program Files/VideoLAN/VLC/"
I've tried "--plugin-path=D:\" and "--plugin-path=D:/". The libvlc.dll is in the D:\ folder. And I still get the UnsatisfiedLinkError, unable to get the library 'libvlc' loaded.

Running WinXP, Eclipse 3.4.1. Help? Thanks.

Re: JVLC how to make it works?

Posted: 23 Feb 2009 16:43
by 317070
I have exactly your stats. The solution? add the path to the VLC folder (in program files) to the system-variable %PATH%. Go to run configuration in eclipse, environment, select variable path and add
;c:/program files/Videolan/VLC
or something to it at the end. This is a quick scratch of how to do it...