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dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 04:23
by munkman
hey guys i have 2 x 19" widescreen monitors both the same make and res, i've been trying to get vlc "wall" mode to work so i can watch movies over both monitors, when i choose wall mode it splits the screen into 9 sections, i was under the impression it would split the screen into 2 sections and i'd just have to drag/maximize. any help would be appriciated spent alomst a day trying to figure it out, being a complete novice at this sort of stuff doesnt help!

thanks munkman

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 04:33
by heat84
Is there another way to select which monitor you want to use besides drilling down to DirectX, checking Advanced, refreshing the list and choosing the monitor. That seems like way to much to go through just to choose a monitor.0.0.2 adds one more step making you have to select the All radio button. Alot of people have multi monitor setups so I don't know why the devs don't make it easy to use them in VLC. And apparently the Mac version already does make it easier. What about the Linux version? Is it more like the Mac or the Windows version with regard to dual monitor (or lack thereof) support.

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 07:27
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Wall is defaulted to 3 row x 3columns.
Just do 1 row and 2 column for a dual screen..

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 09:48
by heat84
Good you helped him first. So what about me? I'm SOL until someone gets around to modernizing the Windows version? :roll: :evil:
I'd love to do it myself but I'm not a programmer. :( I tried but I sucked at it. Couldn't even do VB. :(

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 11:53
by VLC_help
You can use command line to start VLC to certain display. So you don't have to wander around the preferences every time.

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 13:20
by heat84
Ok but why does the Mac version have the menu item for it and not the Windows version? Does each version have a different group of developers? I'm not complaining anymore I'm just trying to understand why the different versions aren't all on the same page with this.

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 14:47
by munkman
thanks for the replys, does any 1 have the command line, i take it i have to add the command line to the target .exe?

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 15:46
by munkman
You can use command line to start VLC to certain display. So you don't have to wander around the preferences every time.
dont spose you have this commandline mate, would be a great help!

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 16:48
by munkman
Ok but why does the Mac version have the menu item for it and not the Windows version? Does each version have a different group of developers? I'm not complaining anymore I'm just trying to understand why the different versions aren't all on the same page with this.

i'd rather keep to topic mate, stop hijacking my thread get ur own!! :!:

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 17:33
by munkman
any ideas, i'm about to go insane i have now spent 2 days trying to figure it out, surely some 1 has the answer! :cry:

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 18:46
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
any ideas, i'm about to go insane i have now spent 2 days trying to figure it out, surely some 1 has the answer! :cry:
What is your problem now ?

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 18:54
by VLC_help
heat84: VLC isn't feature identical on all platforms and it never can be
--directx-device= allows you to select output device when using DirectX output module.

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 23:32
by heat84
Ok but why does the Mac version have the menu item for it and not the Windows version? Does each version have a different group of developers? I'm not complaining anymore I'm just trying to understand why the different versions aren't all on the same page with this.

i'd rather keep to topic mate, stop hijacking my thread get ur own!! :!:
Who's hijacking? I have sort of the same problem (well, more of an annoyance) that you do. Sorry about that.
heat84: VLC isn't feature identical on all platforms and it never can be
Of course that's true but I don't understand why dual monitor wouldn't be universal.

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 18:27
by VLC_help
Because there isn't universal API for multimonitor environments. Also there are more Mac devs than Windows devs :D

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 20:38
by finiderire

I have got some kind of workaround to play video files on a 1 row 2 columns (dual monitor) under Windows :
-install UltraMon v2.7.1, once done you should see two more icons near Maximize Reduce Close of each window
-right click your task bar / Properties / Task Bar / select Auto Hide The Task Bar
-run your video in VLC & right click on the video in VLC and select Interface / Minimal Interface
-click the first icon starting from the left in the video window : the window will fill the two displays
-right click the video / Rogner (in french) / 2:21:1 or 2:31:1 : the video will fill the two displays

a+, =)

VLC 0.9.2, note that with media player classic (x32 v6.4.9.0 and x64 HomeCinema v1.1.640.0) you won't have video on 2 screen

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 20:44
by finiderire
And with Nero Showtime included in Nero 8 : Options / Video / Multimonitor Support / Enable, you can even configure the monitor border width :) (2x this width in pixels will be removed from the video center so that the video seems to be projected on screens)

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 23:21
by heat84
Because there isn't universal API for multimonitor environments. Also there are more Mac devs than Windows devs :D
You can't put the process of drilling down to DirectX and selecting the monitor there into a script or sub-routine or whatever you call it and make a menu item for it in one of the main menus?

Re: dual monitor vlc 0.9.2

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 15:06
by VLC_help
AFAIK it should be selected before playback (I am not sure if it would work during playback) so one in Video menu wouldn't work. And also it is only for DirectX output and because in Windows Vista default is Direct3D, it would make more complains like is it currently with wallpaper mode because users can't access it.