How do I play to a bookmark position using commandline?

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How do I play to a bookmark position using commandline?

Postby Videofish » 31 Aug 2008 08:44

I bookmark the position of the current movie and save it to a playlist.
I there a way I can open the playlist and load the bookmark using commandline?

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Re: How do I play to a bookmark position using commandline?

Postby VLC_help » 31 Aug 2008 11:02
there the few bookmark options, like:
--bookmarks=<string> Bookmarks list for a stream
You can manually give a list of bookmarks for a stream in the form

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Re: How do I play to a bookmark position using commandline?

Postby Videofish » 03 Sep 2008 18:34

If I have a playlist call MyList.m3u and the Bookmark is call MyBookmark1, what should I type in the command line?
I tried "vlc mybookmark1", "vlc mylist.m3u mybookmark1" etc but they don't seem to work.

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Re: How do I play to a bookmark position using commandline?

Postby VLC_help » 04 Sep 2008 14:11

vlc mylist.m3u --bookmarks=MyBookmark1
vlc mylist.m3u --bookmarks="{name=MyBookmark1}"
vlc mylist.m3u --bookmarks={name=MyBookmark1}

hopefully at least one of those works.

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Re: How do I play to a bookmark position using commandline?

Postby terrypye » 19 Sep 2008 08:50

Further to m3u playlist issues with latest VLC9.2 release, I am unable to use playlists at all. The command vlc --m3u-extvlcopt fred.m3u fails every time with an error message "The command line option couldn't be loaded, check that they are valid". The syntax works fine for all versions of VLC8.6 (since m3u options had to be on command line). Even vlc --m3u-extvlcopt on it's own gives same error message. If I revamp and put all options on command line I can get it to work, but I have an awfull lot of m32u playlists that would need converting to true command line syntax.

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Re: How do I play to a bookmark position using commandline?

Postby VLC_help » 19 Sep 2008 11:49

VLC command line options don't mention m3u-extvlcopt nor any m3u related commands. I don't have clue what has happened.

Blank Cone
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Re: How do I play to a bookmark position using commandline?

Postby terrypye » 20 Sep 2008 04:55

Release notes (Important Notes) for 9.2 state that EXTVLCOPT playlist parsing is now longer automatic and that the command line must contain -m3u-extvlcopt option to enable playlist parsing. It was not necessary for prior to VLC 8.6c, but needed command line options for VLC 8.6d onwards which worked fine. There has never been any documantation that I am aware of for -m3u command line option merely the release notes for 8.6c to 8.6d (command line options allowed m3u parsing) and 8.6i and 9.0 (which now longer allow it despite release notes indicating otherwise). Whilst a bit of a pain I can readily edit playlists into equivalent proper command line versions so it is not a huge issue, however it is annoying.

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